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指向他的胳膊。Ponit to his arm.

我手臂疼痛。My arm is paining.

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他弯起胳臂。He crooked his arm.

是迎春花的臂膀。Is arm of primrose.

她抓起我的手臂。She grabbed my arm.

他举起胳臂。He uplifted his arm.

我喜欢掰腕子。I love arm wrestling.

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你的手臂在流血。Your arm is bleeding.

他抓住她的手臂。He dragged at her arm.

他一把抓住了我的胳臂。He snatched at my arm.

嘿,咱们来比腕力吧!Hey, let's arm wrestle!

他的手臂上青筋暴露。His arm veins twitched.

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我的手顿成了捕光器。My arm as light holder.

她挣开我的手臂。She shook my arm loose.

那个男孩在我的手臂上捏了一下。The boy pinched my arm.

你扔雷的那胳膊怎么样?How's your throwing arm?

元帅谈到她的手臂。Marshal touched her arm.

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他摔了一跤,伤了胳膊。He fell and hurt his arm.

他抓住我的手臂。He grabbed me by the arm.

我觉得手臂上有人摸了一下。I felt a touch on my arm.