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梵天给予了他这一神灵保佑。Brahma granted him the boon.

酒与杯恩恩爱爱!!Wine and cup boon conjugal love!!

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布恩走进来,关掉发动机。Boon walked in and quieted the engine.

药物繁育是医药学的一个恩惠。Breeding drugs would be a medical boon.

可你是否知道这也对人体健康大有益处?But it may also be a boon to human health.

李大山慢慢落入了圈套。Som boon leelathitikul slowly fall into the trap.

埃及的现代旅游业可谓毁誉参半。Modern tourism in Egypt is both a boon and a bane.

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足球博彩合法化?好事还是坏事?。Legalization of football betting ? a boon or a bane?

从一个层面上来讲世界杯是带来了一个短期的恩惠。At one level the World Cup has been a short-term boon.

但吸附电喷雾离子化技术对刑警还有额外的好处。But DESI also presents an additional boon to gumshoes.

以下是弟子文英的一个感应事件报告。Disciple Boon Eng reported below an inspirational event.

郑头,大恩不言谢,咱感激你。Zheng Tou, great boon not the speech thank, we laud you.

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否则你会被击跨。在伟大的计划中,无辜的人是可以被牺牲的。司芬克斯说过。To never have been born, may be the greatest boon of all.

这不仅对巴基斯坦渴望能源的经济有所裨益。It was a boon not only for Pakistan’s energy-starved economy.

但木材价格上涨已非法伐木者的福音。But rising timber prices have been a boon for illegal loggers.

我们大量提供优质,实惠的古典家具!We can offer a lot of good quality boon classicality furniture!

2002年,当布雷达汽车到了“退休”的年龄时,由布恩进行新的采购。When the Bredas hit retirement age in 2002, Boon went shopping.

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但是对我们中间身材走样的人来说,这可能是一种福利。And yet there lies a possible boon to the out-of-shape among us.

对于你的师团来说,有一名牧师与你的部队一同冲杀敌阵,着实是一种恩惠。A priest accompanying your regiment into the fray is indeed a boon.

到国外训练对美国队来说是件好事,对高军更是如此。Practice abroad has been a boon for the U. S. team, especially Gao.