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他依然无法接受非暴力革命。He still could not accept nonviolent revolution.

它能加强“非暴力沟通条约”。It reinforces the "pact of nonviolent communication.

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谁给我非暴力的我就给谁非暴力。I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me.

及其追随者不甘屈从压迫和接受二等公民的地位,他们积极通过切实可行和非暴力的途径来为人民争取自由。They actively pursued practical, nonviolent ways to free their people.

然而,对被告的量刑可能相当严厉,即使是未涉及暴力犯罪的初犯。However, sentences, even for nonviolent first-time offenders, can be Draconian.

但确实有很多有效而非暴力的方式可以用来管束孩子。There are many ways of disciplining children that are effective and nonviolent.

马丁·路德·金为纠正这种状况展开了长期的非暴力抵抗活动。King had begun a long campaign of nonviolent resistance to rectify these wrongs.

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法官们知道对于非暴力的初犯来说蹲监狱会有什么样的坏影响。Judges know what bad effects a prison term can have on a nonviolent first offender.

以下这种小小的惊人的非暴力沟通将会帮你解决。That is the kind of small miracle that nonviolent communication will help you realize!

在普通国民的心目中,这些僧人并非是慈眉善目的佛家信徒,但却被视为英雄。Not your average nonviolent Buddhists, the monks loom as heroes in the national psyche.

圣雄甘地是二十世纪最有名的非暴力政治的倡导者。Mohandas Gandhi was the twentieth century’s most famous advocate of nonviolent politics.

我支持有力地对地区产生积极改变的非暴力行动。What I do support is vigorous nonviolent action to effect positive change in the region.

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尽管受警察的殴打,被投入监狱,甘地却首创了非暴力抵抗的原则。Beaten by the police and sent to jail, Gandi created the principle of nonviolent resistance.

非暴力沟通因此可以使对方和我们自己感受到一种真诚。Nonviolent communication can thus be truly attentive to each other and ourselves in relationships.

1959年,金到印度游历并进一步发展了甘地的非暴力策略。In 1959, King toured India and further developed his understanding of Gandhian nonviolent strategies.

英国的盐税也曾经是圣雄丹地反抗英国殖民统治非暴力不合作运动的焦点。In India, the British salt tax became a focus of Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent protest against English rule.

库尔建议,奥巴马政府改变对非暴力的温和的伊斯兰政党的立场。Kull recommends that the Obama Administration change its stance towards nonviolent moderate Islamist parties.

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但同一年,科雷塔斯科特金设立了马丁路德金非暴力社会青年中心的转变。But that same year, Coretta Scott King established the Martin Luther King Junior Center for Nonviolent Social Change.

这是一个由黑人牧师和教会组成的以非暴力直接行动反对种族隔离的联盟。This was an alliance of black ministers and churches organized to pursue nonviolent direct action against segregation.

利比亚自2月15日开始反对政府的非暴力示威以来一直被内乱所笼罩。Libya has been gripped by civil strife that began with nonviolent demonstrations against the government on February 15.