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我们在那里买了公寓。and we had bought a condo there.

吉姆通过房地产公司找到一间独栋公寓。Jim found a condo through a real estate agency.

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索尔在他182平方英尺的咖啡间放松。Sauer relaxes in the cafe area of his 182-square-foot condo.

壮观的改造公寓房在美丽索拉纳公园。Spectacular remodeled condo in beautiful Solana Park Complex.

共管柏文维修规则通常在公寓管理法规中详细列出。Policies on condo repairs are specified by condominium bylaws.

我告诉侦探,是我的冰箱把我的公寓炸了个底朝天。I told the detective that it was the refrigerator that blew up my condo.

在访问木制的恩西诺公寓期间,拉里斯图尔特了这张照片。Larry Stewart took this photo during a visit to Wooden's condo in Encino.

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这个独立的公寓有3个卧室和三个半浴室,大约3700英尺。The condo has 3 bedrooms and 3.5 baths and approximately 3, 700 square feet.

在一名经纪人的建议下,我最近在多伦多市区购买了两套柏文公寓。Advised by an agent, I recently purchased two condo units in downtown Toronto.

公寓业主根据所在位置的不同还要支付一笔额外的维修费用。Condo owners pay an additional maintenance fee that varies depending on location.

他们尝试过共有公寓的生活,但它缺乏低层住宅的亲密感。They had tried condo living but it lacked the familiarity of a low-rise dwelling.

购买预建共管柏文,与购买既有物业有些许不同。Buying a preconstruction condo unit is somewhat different with a freehold property.

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那年我买了一辆卡车,从独栋的房子搬到一间更好的高级公寓。I’d bought a new truck that year, and I’d moved from a house to a much nicer condo.

我宁愿住在旅馆或公寓里也不愿意处理度假别墅的维修。I’d rather stay in a hotel or condo than have to deal with the upkeep of a vacation home.

与此同时,托布播出他在工作脏衣服,和威尔逊企图提供他的公寓。Meanwhile, Taub airs his dirty laundry at work, and Wilson attempts to furnish his condo.

他们出了汽车然后通过一个厨房走进了大厦。然后他们走进了房间。They climb out of the jag and enter the condo through the kitchen. Then into the living room.

我早该另觅公寓,找保险公司办理赔的,我应该要替我的失去感到难过,可是我没有。I should’ve been looking for a new condo. I should’ve been haggling with my insurance company.

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最近,在康涅狄格州海边,我所居住的公寓后面的湿地里,有一只赤狐被猎杀了。Recently, a red fox has been hunting in the marsh behind my condo on the Connecticut shoreline.

目前,我尚不了解你购买两套柏文公寓的意图。At this point, I am not quite sure what your intentions are for the two condo units you have purchased.

桑迪比奇的检讨在一个地方的海滩,默特尔海滩公寓房出售和出租默特尔海滩公寓。" Sandybeach review in the local beach, Myrtle Beach condo Myrtle Beach Apartments for sale "and" rent.