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我姑姑全家对我们很热情。My aunt's family treated us with familiarly.

一对驯鹿无拘无束地在室内跑来跑去。A brace of tame deer ran familiarly about the house.

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这些房间也许早就让我走熟了!With these rooms I might now have been familiarly acquainted!

可是在谈话之中,有什么比时间更常见,更熟悉呢?But what in discourse do we mention more familiarly and knowingly, than time?

但是我的手上没人,来了这里这么久,我最熟的也就你们几个了。But my hand top nobody, come so long here, I most familiarly also you several.

他亲密地把他的手搭在她肩上,好像只是路过打个招呼。He put his hand familiarly on her shoulder as if only to greet her in passing.

俗称肥油的脂肪组织,就是专门来从事这项任务的。Adipose tissue, familiarly known as fat, is the organ specialized for that task.

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也就是说,他们都坚信应该以眼还眼。他们还可能认为蒙蔽某人是错误的行为。That is, they familiarly firmly believe in the idea of and an eye for and an eye.

众多分析师将百度流线型的页面视作Google的直接翻版。Many analysts see the familiarly streamlined Baidu Web site as a direct copy of Google.

我能熟练使用文字处理机、传真机、影印机和其他办公室设备。I can operate familiarly a word-processor, a fax machine, a photo and other office equipment.

它既没有隐藏感情的内容,也没有隐藏与艺术有关的任何其它相似特征。It harbors neither emotional content nor any of the other features familiarly associated with art.

他举起酒瓶,斜眼看了我一眼。他停下来亲热地向我点了点头。帽子上的铃铛叮当作响。He raised it to his lips with a leer. He paused and nodded to me familiarly while his bells jingled.

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“政治诗意化”等叙事是常见的叙事策略。"Political poetry" recount strategy and other recount strategies are familiarly to recount strategy.

你不可将它任意搁置,不可做记号,不可摺页,不可随便使用。You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages, you cannot use it familiarly.

你不能漫不经心地随手乱放,你不能在书里做记号,你不能折书页,你不能随便使用它。You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages, and you cannot use it familiarly.

去看英国队向欧洲足球的落后生西班牙队缴械投降吗?Watching an insipid and familiarly witless England side capitulate to Spain, those other European rank underachievers ?

寺内墙壁全部用蓝、白两色的伊兹尼克瓷砖装饰,非常壮丽,因此它拥有一个更响亮的名字——蓝色清真寺。The building is more familiarly known as the Blue Mosque because of its magnificent interior of blue and white Iznik tiles.

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他看见一个房间的门旁边装着一个红白条纹相间的小圆柱。正准备走到那里去时,听见一个声音亲热地和他打招呼。He was about to cross to a little red-and-white striped bar which was fastened up beside a door when a voice greeted him familiarly.

一般探子凶徒不敢把刀剑公然挂在腰上,袖子靴筒是最常见的藏兵器位置。The common scout villain doesn't dare to hang sword sword openly on the waist, the sleeves Xue tube hides weapon location maximum familiarly.

她毫不客气地仔细询问着夏绿蒂的家常,又给她提供了一大堆关于料理家务的意见。She inquired into Charlotte's domestic concerns familiarly and minutely, and gave her a great deal of advice as to the management of them all.