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那个诽谤者不能证实他的谎言。The slanderer cannot substantiate his tale.

目击证人能够证实所有的证词。The eyewitness can substantiate all the testimony.

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因此特别难去证明相关声明。Claims are therefore specially hard to substantiate.

一次在沙龙里的访问将证实这些观察资料。A visit to a salon will substantiate these observations.

它亦可以被用来作为判刑的依据。It could also be used as evidence to substantiate prison sentences.

当然,论文本身必须证明它在这里所陈述的一切。Of course, the thesis itself must substantiate any claims made here.

请这个计划的发起者用强有力的证据证实这个宣称。Ask the promoter of the plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence.

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请就以下各范畴提出理据以支持贵机构之申请。Please substantiate your application by providing justifications in the following areas.

和索赔,如提供有效的可剥职系,是难以证实。And claims, such as the availability of effective peelable grades, are difficult to substantiate.

因此,限度检测仅仅说明了待分析物的数量高于或低于某个特定水平。Thus limit tests merely substantiate that the amount of analyte is above or below a certain level.

在华盛顿,国务卿赖斯说,她无法证实伊朗的宣称是否属实。In Washington, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she is unable to substantiate Iran's claims.

追踪到行为或者眼神移动将进一步证实这个结果,她补充说。Tracking reaching behavior or eye movements will be necessary to substantiate the findings, she adds.

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对于圆柱和椭圆柱样机的实验证实了理论分析的结果。The experiments on circular and elliptical cylinder model probes substantiate the theoretical results.

结果显示谷氨酰胺转胺酶具有促进大鼠皮肤创伤愈合的作用。These results clearly substantiate the beneficial effects of microbial transglutaminase in wound healing.

你应该通过纸质的做许多次然后再修改以使其充实清晰。You should go through the paper many times- and then again- working to substantiate and clarify your ideas.

为了证实您的结论,在进行分析时,您应该至少使用两种不同的工具。To substantiate your results, you really should look at a minimum of two tools while performing your analysis.

该建筑将被用作实验室和教育设施,以证实活建筑难题的可行性。The building will be used as a laboratory and educational facility to substantiate the Living Building Challenge.

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日本银行董事MasaakiShirakawa的话似乎证实了这一期望。And in a statement, Masaaki Shirakawa, the governor of the Bank of Japan, seemed to substantiate that expectation.

Pal说,对于皱纹与骨折风险间的关系还需做长期研究。Long-term studies are needed to substantiate a relationship between wrinkles and the risk of bone fracture, Pal said.

一來可以說明既存的歷史事实,二來也完证「革命」是顺从天命的正当行为。These historical facts can also explain and substantiate "revolution" as an obedient behavior of the heavenly mandate.