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蠵龟在水下停留的时间长达1小时。Loggerhead turtles can stay underwater for up to an hour.

赤蠵龟要花上近半个世纪才达到成熟阶段,科学家说。Loggerhead turtles take almost half a century to reach maturity, say scientists.

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每年,绿海龟和蠵龟都会回到这里的沙滩产卵。Green and loggerhead turtles return to this sandy beach each year to lay their eggs.

在海滩上,每逢夏季红绿海龟便爬上岸来,挪动着笨拙的身体在沙滩上下蛋。On the beach side, loggerhead and green sea turtles lumber ashore to lay eggs every summer.

然而红海龟幼龟却知道该往哪里爬——通过辨识地球磁场。But a hatchling loggerhead turtle would know just where to paddle—by reading the Earth's magnetic field.

正在由兽医特里诺顿治疗,一名女蠵龟受伤后,被船撞了。Ziva, a female loggerhead turtle being treated by veterinarian Terry Norton, was injured after being hit by a boat.

它拥有数英里海岸线,和宽阔的海滩,度假者酒吧、红海龟和林鹳在那里找到了安乐窝。It has three miles of coastline with wide sandy beaches, where vacationers lounge and Loggerhead sea turtles and wood storks nest.

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每年,上千只江海龟在佛罗里达州的海滩上孵蛋后拼命地向庇护所—-海浪匍匐前进。Every year, thousands of loggerhead sea turtles hatch on the beaches of Florida and flap desperately toward the sanctuary of the surf.

这些海草堆中,它多叶,阳光滋润,她为很多生物伪装提供了场所,如红海龟、剥皮鱼、海兔和带有斑点的褐色马尾藻类海草蟹。Within its leafy sunlit masses, her camouflage of such creatures as loggerhead turtles, file fish, sea hares, and the speckled brown Sargasso crab.

这是一篇研究赤蠵龟血液化学的文章,目的在于定量出亚特兰大地区,野生赤蠵龟身上各种血液蛋白的正常参考值。The objective of this study was to determine reference intervals for plasma protein fractions of normal appearing, wild Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta.

根据Crabtree博士最近的研究报告指出被线缠住的红海龟数量远较想像中的多,每年都会有约600只被缠住,其中大部份都会死亡。According to Dr. Crabtree, recent research suggests that the lines snag far more loggerhead sea turtles than had been thought, perhaps 600 a year, and that most of them die.

这一个月,在沙滩上和美国东海岸,数以万计的新孵出的蠵海龟从沙新兴爬入大西洋。This month, on beaches up and down the U. S. East Coast, tens of thousands of newly-hatched loggerhead sea turtles are emerging from the sand and crawling into the Atlantic.

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美国国家海洋暨大气总署的科学们正在研究是否需要更多的限制来保护红海龟,并将其列为濒危特种法案里受到威胁的物种中。NOAA scientists are studying whether still more restrictions may be needed to protect loggerhead sea turtles, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

在希腊雅典滨海的葛利法达,一位志工在希腊海龟援救中心治疗一头吞下鱼钩的赤蠵龟。A volunteer treats an endangered loggerhead sea turtle that swallowed a fishing-hook at the Greek marine turtle rescue centre in Glyfada, a seaside suburb of Athens, August 29, 1997.

此外,有21个国家的渔船聚集在地中海海域,为捕捞金枪鱼和旗鱼。Loggerhead turtles die the same way in the Mediterranean, where boats from 21 countries hunt for tuna and swordfish. These two areas "are urgent conservation priorities," Wallace says.

红海龟可以通过地球磁场强度来辨识纬度。新的研究发现,借助地球磁场方向,它们在辨识自己所在的经度上也很在行。Loggerhead turtles sense latitude by the planet's magnetic field intensity, and new research finds they're good at determining their longitude too, probably via the field's inclination.

自然资源保护人士为下一代红海龟的生存担忧,它们正前往污染最严重的区域筑巢、产卵。Conservationists are also worried about the survival of the next generation of loggerhead turtles, which are about to climb up on to badly oiled shorelines to begin their nesting season.