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我爸在盖洛普链条厂工作了30年,跟我爷爷一起在那里上班。Dad worked thirty years at Gallup Chain, with his dad.

研究者分析了盖洛普2005-2009年度全球民意调查。Researchers analyzed data from the Gallup World Poll covering 2005 to 2009.

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另一方面,女人们用接吻当成一项评估方法。Women on the other hand use kissing as a mate-assessment technique Gallup notes.

作为“盖洛普组织”的高级科学家,Diener帮助对调查进行了设计。Diener, a senior scientist for the Gallup Organization, helped design the survey.

当你问别人这个问题,盖洛普组织做了这项研究。While you ask people this question, and this was done by the Gallup organization.

以公路出弗拉格斯塔夫东迈向新的盖洛普墨西哥和你的产品。Take the highway out of Flagstaff east towards Gallup New Mexico and you're on it.

盖勒普在2月的一项民意调查中要美国人说出他们心中的在全球经济中居于领导地位的经济体。A Gallup poll in February asked Americans to name the world’s leading economic power.

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盖洛普还对两名打哈欠过度频繁的慢性病人进行了研究。Gallup had also studied two women who suffer from chronic bouts of excessive yawning.

早在9·11恐怖袭击前,2001年盖洛普民意调查首次问及这个问题。Gallup first asked the question in early 2001, before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

1984年7月27日,乔治·贺瑞斯·盖洛普因心脏病突发在他的瑞士消夏别墅中去世。George Horace Gallup died of a heart attack at his summer home in Switzerland on July 27th.

根据2004年的盖洛普民意测验,有一半的美国青少年承认在学校考试作弊。Half of American teenagers admit to cheating on a school exam, according to a 2004 Gallup poll.

盖洛普民意调查连续多年测试美国公众对同性恋者的态度。Gallup Polls of public opinion have been measuring American attitudes toward gays for many years.

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现在他在两个盖洛普民调中都领先,在另外两个全国民调中,则与奥巴马平分秋色。McCain now leads in two Gallup polls, and is tied with Senator Obama in two other national surveys.

然而,盖洛普并未触到问题的结症,文化方面的因素为中国民众的悲观感提供了另一种解释。While Gallup doesn’t touch on the subject, culture offers another explanation for Chinese pessimism.

盖洛普公司自1938年以来就对美国人是否满意他们的总统进行过多次抽样调查。The Gallup organization has conducted polls on whether Americans approve of their President since 1938.

在盖洛普70年的民调历史上,乔治布什是最不被美国民众认同的一位总统。George Bush has the highest disapproval rating of any president in the 70-year history of the Gallup poll.

盖洛普把拉美和撒哈拉以南非洲上升的对气候变化的关注归因于极端的气候事件。Gallup attributes the increasing concern in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa to extreme weather events.

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上个月,在美国的盖洛普对124个国家人的“幸福感”民意调查中,中国排在了第92位。Gallup last month ranked China 92nd out of 124 countries in a poll in which people assessed their own "well-being.

盖洛普的高级分析师默罕默德尤尼斯对调查结果进行了整理。Mohamed Younis is a senior analyst for the Gallup Organisation, and he's put together the survey and his findings.

上个月,在美国的盖洛普对124个国家人的“幸福感”民意调查中,中国排在了第92位。Gallup last month ranked China 92nd out of 124 countries in a poll in which people assessed their own "well-being."