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她头发上插着些曲别针。She had curling pins in her hair.

冰上溜石是国际冰上运动。Curling is a nationwide ice sport.

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我需要借用你的卷发器。I need to borrow your curling iron.

或是为了伸直着喝一杯蛋酒。Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.

或是为了蜷缩着喝一杯蛋酒。Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.

我的卷发钳经常烧坏保险丝。My curling iron always blows a fuse.

有些人带了睡袋,就蜷缩在里面。A few with sleeping bags curling up inside.

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炊烟旋绕。A wisp of smoke is curling up from a chimney.

炊烟从厨房的烟囱中冉冉升起。Smoke is curling up from the kitchen chimney.

炊烟袅袅。Smoke is curling upward from kitchen chimneys.

他们播放了最令人尴尬的家庭录像。They showed the most toe- curling home videos.

哈尔滨的两个冰壶馆的具体地址?Two curling mansion specific address of Harbin?

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我的第一套卷发器是圣诞节得到的礼物。My first curling iron was given to me at Christmas.

乌黑的秀发卷绕着埃伦小巧的、小精灵似的耳朵。Ellen\'s raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears.

疯狂的设计师举着光剑似地举着卷发钳。Frantic stylists hoisted curling irons like lightsabers.

你最好默默躲在那个旮旯里,为我祝福。You'd better inwardly wish him well curling in a corner.

像高尔夫一样,冰上溜石游戏也具有古老的皇家传统。Like golf, curling can claim to be both Royal and ancient.

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我们必须用胶把席子的边粘住,免得卷边。We must glue the mat down at the edges to stop it curling.

沙放下他的机关枪,一股烟尘从枪筒里盘旋而出。Shah lowers his machine gun, smoke curling from the barrel.

一条鱼静静地游过来,游到了刺猬的心中,揉碎了水草里的梦。If you touch a hedgehog it will react by curling into a ball.