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他肌肉过劳。He had a muscular strain.

他肌肉发达。He developed a muscular body.

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发达的腹肌。这是健康的一个标志。Muscular abs. An indicator of health.

这个足球运动员张得魁梧强壮。The football player is big and muscular.

两心房是由薄壁构成的空腔。Both atria are thin walled muscular chambers.

从这里再转移到肌肉质的砂囊。From here it travels to the muscular gizzard.

比如心脏包含肌肉组织The heart, for example, has a muscular tissue.

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他的照片被移花接木,放在了一个肌肉发达的身体上。His picture was superimposed on a muscular body.

俯卧撑可以帮助你的测试肌肉强度。Push-ups can help you measure muscular strength.

短,肌肉发达,且略微圆拱。The loin is short, muscular and slightly arched.

肌肉发达的腰部,臀部稍低。Broad muscular loins, very slightly sloping croup.

而有些鱼则是通过肌肉运动来实现这一过程的。Other fish can pump water by a muscular movement.

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头颈部加入拱形成了强烈的肌肉。The head joins the neck forming a strong muscular arch.

它吃的是鲜草和干草而肌肉发达,跑起来迅捷。It eats grass and hay and is extremely muscular and fast.

山谷雅词还体现出一种特有的清刚之气。It also reveals a sense of freshing and muscular strength.

这件毛衣紧贴着他,强调着他的胸膛是那么的强壮。It fit him snugly, emphasizing how muscular his chest was.

萨福克羊皱胃黏膜肌层最厚,最薄的是蒙古羊。The thickest of the mucosa muscular layer was Texel sheep.

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残喉创面修复用双蒂肌软骨膜瓣重建喉功能。Bi-pedicle muscular flap were used to reconstruct the larynx.

擦干泪水,她的脸色重新变成坚强。Wipe to do tears, her facial expression re- becomes muscular.

肌肉发财的音乐家在博物馆里的泥巴中发现了新苗。the muscular musician found the bud in the mud in the museum.