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左翼仍几乎未参战。The left flank remains practically unengaged.

应聘者没有问题会给人留下没有准备好和不关心的印象。Candidates who don't ask questions also come across as unprepared and unengaged.

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应聘者没有问题同样被看作是没有准备和没有事的。Candidates who don’t ask questions also come across as unprepared and unengaged.

给予那些在课堂上不爱表现的学生同等参与的机会。Those students who appear unengaged in the class are given the opportunity to participate.

他声称,“忙碌的管理者可能比独立富有的、无所事事的百万富翁更加快乐。"The engaged custodian is more likely to be happy than the independently wealthy, unengaged millionaire," he says.

他声称,“忙碌的管理者可能比独立富有的、无所事事的百万富翁更加快乐。"The engaged custodian is more likely to be happy than the independently wealthy, unengaged millionaire, " he says.

给予那些在课堂上不爱表现的学生同等参与的机会。Those students who appear unengaged in the class are given the opportunity to participate. All students are made to feel special.

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他声称,“忙碌的管理者可能比独立富有的、无所事事的百万富翁更加快乐。"The engaged custodian is more likely to be happy than the independently wealthy, unengaged millionaire, " he says. "We didn't evolve to be retired and sit on the couch.

尽管如此,虽然我没有受婚姻制度的约束,Jeff和我仍然开始讨论举行某种仪式来庆祝我们的关系。Nonetheless, however unengaged I am to the institution of marriage, Jeff and I began to talk through the possibility of holding some sort of celebration of our relationship.

根据最新的道路安全法规2009规定,驾驶员没有锁车,没有关窗,没有刹脚刹或者钥匙没有拔。Under the new Road Safety Road Rules 2009 legislation, motorists can be fined for leaving car doors unlocked, windows down, parking brakes unengaged or keys in the ignition.