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温总理有理由如此慎重。Mr Wen has reason to be furtive.

她们看起来十分紧张,甚至有些鬼鬼祟祟。They were nervous, furtive even.

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偷偷摸摸可能成为主流。A furtive activity could become mainstream.

他鬼鬼祟祟的行为引起了我们的怀疑。His furtive behaviour aroused our suspicion.

朋友经常发现她的不同寻常。Friends often detected something furtive about her.

这个国度的爱势不可挡却又遮遮掩掩。This country's affection is overwhelming and furtive.

在车站,A先生偷偷地给恭子一个告别吻。At the station Mr A gives Kyoko a furtive goodbye kiss.

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他用指尖推着,轻轻地、缓缓地、正象一只胆怯心细、想要进门的猫。He pushed it gently with the tip of his finger, lightly, with the furtive.

那个男人鬼鬼祟祟的样子,引起警察对他的行动进行监视。The man's furtive manner made the policeman watch him to see what he would do.

偷偷伸在胜利的衣袋里的那只凶手是谁的?What hideous, furtive hand is that which is slipped into the pocket of victory?

不过我还是从一位穿白大褂的护士口中间接了解到一些情况。But I managed to get a few furtive words outside from one white-coated assistant.

为了避免不礼貌,他只是尝试着去瞄一眼到底是谁打的电话。Without wishing to be impolite, he tries to steal a furtive glance at who is calling.

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但是,它们那鬼头鬼脑的行动,毕竟没有逃脱猫头鹰的亮堂双眼。However, their furtive actions that, after all, did not escape the owl's eyes brightened.

直接在这种俱乐部接吻,这是一种相当糟糕的形式,所以,我们赶紧悄悄地离开,挥手叫了一辆出租车。It's quite bad form, straight kissing in this club, so we make a furtive exit and hail a taxi.

或者是在长城断垣残壁的见证下,鬼鬼祟祟地穿越广袤的蒙古草原?Slip across the grasslands of Mongolia, ruins of the Great Wall the only witnesses to my furtive gait?

很多这样的野餐都是田园诗一般,为书中两情相悦的情人们提供了一个互送秋波、情话绵绵的完美浪漫背景。Many were idyllic, and they were just the setting for romantic exchanges and furtive looks between lovers.

这个母亲快速而又隐秘地看了黑根一眼,黑根在她的眼镜里面发现了灼烧的像鹰隼一般的胜利的光芒。The mother's head turned for a quick furtive look at Hagen and he saw in her eyes a burning, hawklike triumph.

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蕙芳轻声说,偷眼看一下父亲,又看看左右前后安坐在汽车里的时髦女人。She cast a furtive glance at her father, then gazed out at all the fashionable women sitting in the cars all round them.

而且你的“朋友”偷偷擦眼泪来掩饰的动作会进一步让他的眼睛发炎。And then there's all that furtive eye rubbing your "friend" does to hide his tears, which inflames his eyes even further.

他走得很慢,很谨慎,由他的整个外表看来,有一种难以形容的鬼鬼祟祟不可告人的样子。He walked very slowly and circumspectly, and there was something indescribably guilty and furtive in his whole appearance.