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你会如何评价里根的衰老?How would you rate Reagan's senility ?

预防朽迈,减少老年痴呆。Reduces senility and age-related dementia.

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坤宁安有一定的延缓衰老的作用。KNA could postpone senility course in some degree.

他们看看它作为一个自然通过从旧时代到衰老。They look at it as a natural passing from old age to senility.

衰老的机制相当复杂,血虚无疑是其重要的原因。Hemopenia is a main cause of the complicated mechanism of senility.

医生有否实现对癌症乃至衰老的控制。She'd want to know how doctors ended up curing cancer and senility.

她会想知道医生们是如何治愈癌症并使人长生不老。She’d want to know how doctors ended up curing cancer and senility.

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熟悉延缓衰老的常用取穴。Be familiar with the frequently-used acupoints for postponing senility.

它不仅导致了沮丧,并随时间带来了衰老糊涂。Not only did it cause depression, but over time it also caused senility.

青年是学习智慧之季,老年是实践智慧之时。Youth is a time to learn wisdom, and senility a time to practice wisdom.

三是以意象为纽结、充满动感的巨大艺术张力。Third is taking the imagination as the knot, and the huge artistic senility.

这个周期是什么原因导致的精神崩溃,癫痫等问题,与衰老。This cycle is what causes such problems as mental breakdown, epilepsy, and senility.

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作为强抗氧化剂,能够清除人体内的自由基,延缓衰老。As a kind of better antioxidant, it can clea free radical in human body, postpone senility.

说明蚕宝口服液具有延寿、抗衰老的应用价值。All these demonstrate that Canbao fluid has value of prolonging life cycle and resisting senility.

如果将柔弱解释为软弱、衰老,则他也只属于跃起之后的衰落阶段,也无所谓胜与不胜。If the soft is weakness and senility , it just is in comedown after leaping. There is no win or lose.

目的探索太极拳对中老年人腰椎病辅助治疗的疗效。Objective To explore the adjuvant treatment effect on senility and middle-age lumber vertebrae diseases.

衰老会使对年龄的感觉变得迟钝,这样他们就可以回忆起年轻时的快乐时光。Senility blunts the awareness of the aged, so they can reminisce about happier days when they were younger.

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最近有点脱发,不知道是事情想多了,还是得了早衰症。Alopecia bit recently, I do not know whether it is more like the things that made premature senility or disease.

结论大豆磷脂可提高皮肤中胶原蛋白含量,具有延缓皮肤衰老作用。Conclusion Soybean phospholipids help mice to raise the contents of collagen in skin and to resist skin's senility.

尽管这些记错的状况在人40岁之后很常见,这并不意味着在大多数情况下早年就会出现衰老的状态。Even though these glitches are more common after 40, in most cases, they don’t signify the onset of early senility.