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这是一个巨型海藻的森林。This is a forest of giant kelp.

塑料海藻小鱼群。Through plastic kelp and Bream.

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沙滩上有随浪冲上来的大海藻。On the beach giant kelp had washed ashore.

以前的沙滩已被遗忘,如今记忆里只漂着几片海藻。Now the beach is deserted except for some kelp.

一只狮鬃水母正在棕藻叶上休憩。A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

在海藻森林的下面是陡峭的悬崖。The face of an escarpment below the kelp forest.

在海藻的森林世界,任何东西都不会被浪费。In the world of the kelp forest, nothing goes to waste.

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他们在他们村庄附近的海面上养殖海带。They cultivated kelp off the seashore of their village.

多食用海带等海藻类及菌类食物。More consumption of kelp and other seaweed, and mushrooms.

照片中红色海胆覆盖了大不列颠哥伦比亚海岸的海藻群。Here, red sea urchins carpet a kelp forest off British Columbia.

缠结的海带森林弥漫着水柱沿海海面的缅因州。A tangled kelp forest fills the water column off the coast of Maine.

这还是满月刚过去一两天,我能看见褐藻浮在水下。It was only a day or two from full. I could see kelp tops underwater.

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昆布是一种保健价值很高的海洋生物,是卫生部规定的既可做药物,也可作为食品的原料。Kelp is a kind of marine life , which has great value for health care.

加利福尼亚州的蒙特雷湾长有这种巨大的浮藻,一名潜水员正从中穿游而过。A diver swims through fronds of giant kelp in Monterey Bay, California.

一只年轻的海豹在南非干斯拜附近的巨藻丛中觅食。A young Cape fur seal forages amid bull kelp near Gansbaai, South Africa.

她们点了很多我喜欢吃的,像藕片、牛肉、海带啊很多。They ordered many dishes I loved such as lotus boot, beef, kelp and so on.

因此,经常食用海带有助于预防和治疗乳腺增生。Accordingly, often eat kelp may help prevent and treat mammary gland hyperplasia.

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天然配方-类生物黄碱素,芸香素,野玫瑰果,酵母,海草和白云石。All in a Natural Base of Bioflavonoids, Rutin, Rose Hips, Yeast, Kelp and Dolomite.

海带的使用有著悠久的历史作为食物和作为源碘的同化。Usage Kelp has a long history of use as a food and as a source of assimilable iodine.

以大豆和海带为原料,采用复合型凝固剂制作碘含量高的海带豆腐。In this paper, a special kelp tofu is made from soybean, kelp and compound coagulators.