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垃圾堵塞了道路。Debris obstructed the road.

潮水将碎片冲上海滩。The sea tided the debris ashore.

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插角舌头不断碎片了。Gusseted tongue keeps debris out.

到处都是残砖碎瓦。There was just debris everywhere.

小碎片被装进箱子里。Smaller debris was packed in boxes.

隔离带和瓦砾阻塞了街道。Barriers and debris blocked streets.

插角舌头有助于保持碎片了。Gusseted tongue helps keep debris out.

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山崩挟带下大量的碎岩石。A landslide brings down tons of debris.

碎片从上面像雨点儿一样落在我们身上。Falling debris rained on us from above.

检查橡胶阀瓣是否有污垢或堆积物。Inspect rubber disc for dirt or debris.

堆积物掩埋了道路和房屋。Heaps of debris buried roads and houses.

易脆的岸散残迹。You friable shore with trails of debris.

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碎片在牙齿上的裂缝中堆积起来。Debris collects in the crevices on teeth.

我注意到3新目录,能够小块碎片。I note 3 newly catalog-able debris piece.

记忆,真的是被时间销蚀成了碎片?Memory, it is time to become debris erode ?

从礁体冲向陆地方向的生物骨屑。Skeletal debris swept landward from a reef.

周围满是爆炸碎片和四散的烟雾。There was debris around and smoke in the sky.

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事故的起因是跑道上的一块金属碎片。The cause was a piece of debris on the runway.

大似落鹅毛,密如飘玉屑。Big may fall goose, jade dense floating debris.

爆炸后的碎粒像雨点一样落到斜波上。Debris from the explosion rained down the slope.