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四川维尼纶厂以天然气为原料生产乙炔。Sichuan Vinylon Works produces acetylene from natural gas.

我公司主要以生产维纶短纤二等品为主。I vinylon company to produce goods mainly second-class staple.

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一般棉纺厂应该都可以生产含高强维纶的纱线。Cotton mill should in General can be produced with high-strength of vinylon yarn.

以聚乙烯醇17-99为原料,在维纶生产线上可以开发90℃左右水温可溶解的聚乙烯醇纤维。Around 90℃ polyvinyl alcohol fiber on vinylon lines with polyvinyl alcohol 17-99 was produced.

维纶浸胶帆布是橡胶行业最理想的骨架布,它具有强力高,附着力强。Vinylon dipped canvas rubber industry is the best skeleton cloth, it has a strong, strong adhesion.

大豆蛋白改性纤维结晶度较高,取向度较差,但低于维纶纤维。The SP-PVAFs have higher degree of crystallization and lower orientation than those of Vinylon fibers.

结果表明,该阻燃防水维纶帆布有较好的阻燃拒水耐久性、透气性。The vinylon canvas with flame-retardant in combination with water repellent is permeable and endurable in its both functions.

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如果把维尼纶厂建设起来,就可以减轻棉花供应的压力,还可以和农民搞一些交换。If vinylon factories were set up, they would help alleviate the strain on the supply of cotton and could exchange vinylon for peasants' cotton.

公司产品已得到海尔、长虹、美的、科龙、潍柴动力、四川维纶等各大厂家及用户的好评。The company product obtained Haier, Changhong, Meidi, Kelong , Weichai power, the Sichuan vinylon and so on big companies and user's high praise.

维纶的使用场合慢慢地固定在水泥增强用纤维、水溶性纤维、货币证券用特种增强纤维等等。Vinylon used slowly fixed in concrete reinforced with fibers, special reinforced fiber used in water-soluble fiber, currency, securities, and so on.

虽然维纶需要将PVA的很多羟基封掉形成聚乙烯醇缩甲醛的结构,但仍然有可能达到很高的强度。Although vinylon PVA many hydroxyl groups need to be sealed off forming polyvinyl formal structure, but it is still possible to achieve a high level of intensity.

水溶性维纶纤维与相对低支的羊毛纤维伴纺后再退维,可生产出轻薄型毛织物。A light-weighted worsted fabric can be produced by first co- spinning water-soluble vinylon with coarser wool and then dissolving the carrier fiber in the fabric state.

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本文介绍了工业用维纶短纤产品所需纯纺油剂的研制及纺丝、纺织加工应用情况。This article introduces the practical situation of the development of finishes for industrial vinylon staple fibre and the condition of application in spinning and weaving.

涤纶、丙纶、维纶等高密度过滤布则广泛应用于制药、化工、染料、冶炼、水泥、矿山等企业生产中。Polyester, polypropylene, high density vinylon filter cloth is widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemicals, dyes, smelting, cement, mining and other enterprises in production.