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但是子孙后代们现在无法投票。But posterity has no vote.

做自己的坟墓,绝自己的血统?Of his self-love to stop posterity?

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后代把这个案子翻了过来。The posterity reversed the verdict.

仅因为自爱自恋就甘愿断子绝孙?Of his self-love, to stop posterity?

青春是留给后人的一坛陈酒。It is left to posterity a jar of wine.

罗兰夫人于是对后代的问题也冷淡漠然。Mme Roland is indifferent to posterity.

他的作品当传诸后世。His work must be preserved for posterity.

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金圣叹的评点对后人的影响也是显而易见的。The influence of he to posterity is clear.

他的作品没有几件会流传到后世。Few of his works will go down to posterity.

我的子孙们都和我一样是蓝眼睛的。All my posterity has blue eyes just like mine.

后人却在奋力争夺他们的遗产。Though posterity are struggling for their inheritances.

你可别以为后代会给你昭雪沉冤。You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you.

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为子孙后代留下青山绿水。Preserve the green mountains and clear rivers for posterity

并且你不知道谁将最终向后代说清此事。And you never know who’s going to end up addressing posterity.

它们用2英寸的模拟磁带记录并为后代保存。They were recorded on 2-inch analog tape and stored for posterity.

他梦想成为一名建筑师,流芳百世。His dream was to be an architect and to leave his name in posterity.

敢说大话的人得不到好下场,吓得后人从不说大话变成不说话。Dare not boast of good, frighten posterity never boast become don't talk.

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这里,我甚至没有谈到被称之为子孙后代的那种小小的永恒。I am not even speaking here of that paltry eternity that is called posterity.

愿他的后裔全被斩尽灭绝,他们的姓名被涂抹于后代。May his posterity be destroyed, their names blotted out in the next generation.

我们的成功将继承先贤,泽被后世。Our success will do credit to our forebears and bring benefit to our posterity.