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为什么库柏先生这么疲倦?Why is Mr. Cooper so tired?

是的,加里库柏也是这样。Yeah, Gary Cooper was the same.

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你也认为艾利丝?库珀令人恶心而拒不接受吗?Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick?

布拉德利库珀是党的爱好菲尔。Bradley Cooper is party-loving Phil.

库珀在卡冈图雅内部看到什么?What Does Cooper See Inside Gargantua?

库柏是最有名的汽车标牌之一。One of the best-known badges is Cooper.

他比库柏先生小几岁。He is several years junior to Mr. Cooper.

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他比库珀太太小几岁。He is several years junior to Mrs Cooper.

“他会到天堂去见库珀夫人吗?”"Will he go to heaven and see Mrs Cooper?

库柏将考尔伯的铜色苜蓿砍了。Cooper cut Culver's copper-colored clover.

把铜管做成喇叭口形状以便接上活络接头。Flare up the cooper tube to connect a union.

让我们回顾詹姆斯·芬尼莫尔·库柏Go back all the way to James Fenimore Cooper.

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那天晚上大约8点库柏跳出了机舱。About 8 that night, Cooper jumped from the plane.

我叫库珀,是计算机系大四学生。And I'm Cooper Wei I'm a senior Computer Science.

库珀让沙夫娜带他到机长那儿。Cooper let Sha Funa take him to the captain there.

价格高,服务水,简直就是箍桶匠在造房子。Price high, Water service, and cooper build house.

谢谢您,古柏先生。我希望我们能获得合约。Thank you, Mr. Cooper. I hope we get the contract.

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受雇于梅内尔林奇的金融顾问斯科特·古柏。Scott Cooper is a financial advisor at Marel Linche.

枯草支支直立,有如铜丝。The dried grass stood up sharply as if cooper teels.

你的胸上显现出安德森·库柏了,真是太酷了!Yep, Anderson Cooper on your chest, that's pretty cool!