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他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体。He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair.

这男孩不舒服地在椅子里动来动去。The boy shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

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受伤战士疼痛极了,痛得滚来滚去。The wounded soldier writhed uncomfortably in pain.

走廊伸手不见十指,空气燥热难忍。THE corridors were dark, the air uncomfortably hot.

那就是在那些让人极度兴奋的事情上发奋努力。Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting!

日常严禁穿著紧身,过薄或暴露之衣服。To be uncomfortably tight or restricting, as clothes.

他开始坐立不安,在座位上动来动去,很不舒服的样子。He began fidgeting and moving uncomfortably in his seat.

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在过去七年当中,他的身体已经重到很不舒服的程度。In the past seven years he had become uncomfortably heavy.

至于年轻人自己,却是一幅令人不安的混合景象。As for the young themselves, the picture is uncomfortably mixed.

这和黄昏公主那种硬塞进去的体感操作有着天壤之别。It's a far cry from Twilight Princess' uncomfortably shoehorned waggling.

他的背疼痛,肚子部位的衬衫绷得很紧,怪不舒服的。His back ached, and his shirt felt uncomfortably tight against his stomach.

我觉得可以翻译成“真遗憾,它发人深省的反思强烈得让人如此难受”。This would be a shame, as it is intensely and uncomfortably thought-provoking.

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“她死了,”彼得心绪不宁地说,“或许她正为自己的死感到害怕吧。”She is dead, " he said uncomfortably. "Perhaps she is frightened at being dead. "

蛇蜕皮是因为它的皮肤太紧而感到不舒服。The reason of snake's ecdysis is its skin too tightens and it feels uncomfortably.

在余下的旅程中,我浑身不自在地坐在我的“特等座”上,觉得自己差劲透了。I sat uncomfortably in my superseat for the rest of the journey feeling like a rotten heel.

自由企业横行也与官方意识形态同床异梦。Rampant free enterprise also lives uncomfortably alongside the country's official ideology.

猖獗的自由企业在国家的官方意识形态下也手足无措。Rampant free enterprise also lives uncomfortably alongside the country’s official ideology.

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在没有高音的情况下,诸多可检声讯随即变大,令人难受。Without them, many sounds become uncomfortably loud almost as soon as they can be detected.

即便是稍微有点大声的对话声震动,也会让他们感受眼球运动。Even a conversational voice reverberates and is uncomfortably loud, causing them to feel motion.

一直以来我都对该在那些零散小块的时间里做些什么感到手足无措。I’ve been struggling with squishing what needs to get done into an uncomfortably small timeline.