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电话薄?A phone book?

还是去买书看吧!Buy the book.

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这本书好烂!The book sucks!

摸一摸你的书。Touch your book.

这是一本不可多得的珍本。It's a rare book.

我喜欢这本书。I liked this book.

我喜欢那本书。I loved that book.

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我的书遗失了。I've lost my book.

是本儿很有趣的书。It's a funny book.

就买下那书。Just buy the book.

我出的书将会有销路的My book will sell.

我参加一个读书会。I join a book club.

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我参加了一个读书会。I join a book club.

这是罗迪的书。It is Roddy's book.

约翰是个书虫。John's a book worm.

纽伯瑞荣誉书。Newbery Honor Book.

^-^这本书是你白勺。This book is yours.

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我来摸书本。I'll touch the book.

我可以预定你的车么?May I book your car?

我可以留下这本书吗?May I keep the book?