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我和我的新婚妻子彼此深爱着对方。My newlywed wife and I are deeply in love.

我的新婚丈夫每天早晨都对我说出同样的话。My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning.

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一对新婚夫妇说,“我们争论这个太久啦。A newlywed couple saying, ‘We’ve argued about this long enough.

那就为新婚燕尔的奥多姆顶替他首发铺平了道路。That would pave the way for newlywed Odom to start in his place.

在这大喜的日子里,我祝福新郎新娘新婚愉快,蜜月美好。In this joyful day, I wish a happy newlywed bride and groom, honeymoon.

使用高科技产品显然对越来越多的新婚夫妇造成问题。Use of the gadgets is apparently causing problems for many newlywed couples.

本研究使用台北市新婚夫妻结婚三年的贯时性资料,有效样本共计128对夫妻。A total of 128 newlywed couples from Taipei city area provided 3 waves of data.

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“80后”新人选择到公墓拍摄婚纱照,独特吗?The newlywed of "After 80s" takeing wedding photos at burial ground, is it special?

“噢?该不会是那个专职偷窥别人的新婚生活的汤姆吧?”魏四周看了看。"Oh? It couldn't be a professional newlywed peeping Tom could it?" Taka looked around.

新婚的妻子跟下班的丈夫说,我有大件事告诉你。The newlywed wife said to her husband when he returned from work, I have great news for you.

我们会想念马克,就像你会想念那毕业离家的孩子、那位搬走的邻居或那新婚的儿女一样。We’re going to miss Mark, just like you’ll miss that graduate, that neighbor or that newlywed.

斯莫连斯基刚刚结婚。他说离开他的妻子只是他要准备应对的困难之一。Sytev is a newlywed. He says leaving his wife is just one of the difficulties he's preparing for.

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他们的婚礼上还包括其他八对新人,八个新郎的体重都不低于75公斤。Their wedding ceremony included eight newlywed couples, and all eight brides were at least 75 kg.

1920年,新婚夫妇埃尔和约瑟芬在新泽西州新不伦瑞克开设家政服务。In 1920, a newlywed couple named Earle and Josephine set up housekeeping in new Brunswick, New Jersey.

有一个刚结婚的农夫,一天他的岳母去拜访他们,她刚到就去查看他们的地方。A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her mother, who immediately demanded an inspection of the place.

泰国巴真府,一对新婚夫妇在婚礼上乘着垂降绳索凌空摇摆。A pair of newlywed swung out on rappelling ropes during their wedding ceremony in Prachinburi province, Thailand.

人们会把没告诉大陪审团的心�话都向你倾诉,至少他们在我的"新婚游戏"节目�是这麽做的。People will tell you things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury. That's what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.

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人们会把没告诉大陪审团的心里话都向你倾诉,至少他们在我的"新婚游戏"节目里是这么做的。People will tell you what things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury is what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.

一对新婚的蓝知更鸟来了,看了一眼公寓4-D,我们最好的蓝知更鸟房,迅速搬了进去。A pair of newlywed bluebirds arrived, took one look at Apartment 4-D, our very best bluebird box, and promptly moved in.

有些夫妇在亮相由我主持的"新婚游戏"节目的时候,他们很紧张,很害怕,坐得僵直。Ah, when I was doing Newlywed Game, the couples were very frightened and very scared and they would sit there like this.