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这是一个凄惨的故事。It's a tragic tale.

我认为这是一个悲剧性的错误。I thought it was a tragic mistake.

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约翰?A?莫纳汉讲述了他的悲惨故事。John A. Monahan told his tragic tale.

每个社会阶段都有其悲哀的性变态者。Every society has its tragic perverts.

英雄者,惊天地泣鬼神是也。Hero, who is also indescribably tragic.

简宁,被认为是一个悲剧人物。Janning, to be sure is a tragic figure.

查理是个注定不得善终的人。Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.

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这会导致非常悲剧的结果And this could lead to tragic consequences.

她听到这一悲惨消息。She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced.

她听到这一悲惨消息,脸都白了。She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced.

这一案例十分轰动,也是十足的惨剧。The case is sensational and horribly tragic.

正如我前面所说的,事件的这种转变是悲惨的。And this turn of events is, as I said, tragic.

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会反思的战士有一种悲剧敏感性。Reflective warriors have a tragic sensibility.

在约书亚记第7章,我们读到亚干的悲剧。In Joshua 7, we read the tragic story of Achan.

Sohel的悲剧在孟加拉国并非独一无二。Sohel’s tragic case is not unique in Bangladesh.

在戏剧中演主角的明星。A woman who performs tragic roles in the theater.

戈尔丁打算作为一个悲剧性的讽刺的这本小说。It also aims Goulding tragic irony of this novel.

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这对于他来说是个真悲剧啊It's a genuinely tragic sort of story in his case.

最值得哀怜的浪费乃是对一个好意见的浪费!The most tragic waste is the waste of a good idea!

那起悲惨的事件深深地铭刻在我的记忆中。The tragic event is sharply etched into my memory.