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创立一个交流中心。Establish a communications hub.

战术通信网。Tactical communications network.

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今天是一次沟通讨论会。This is a communications seminar.

语音通信汇编?。VOCA? VOice Communications Assembly?

琼斯、古格,你们是通讯官吗?Jones, Krug, you from communications?

交通银行也会采取同样行动。Bank of Communications will do the same.

它使用基于套接字的原始通信方法。This uses raw socket-based communications.

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而且大小均匀互不通联。Communications and mutual non-uniform size.

比起电子邮件更重视面对面的沟通。Value face-to-face communications over email.

良好的个人沟通技巧。Good inter-personal and communications skills.

电报通信公司12000波特兰大道。Telex Communications Inc. , 12000 Portland Ave.

数据通信数据传输。Mgt 261. Data Communications. Data transmission.

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这能够你工作中的交际能力吗?Could this improve communications where you work?

随后就在五月份,他又摇身一变成为了保守党传信联络主管。In May he is made Tory director of communications.

可选的总线通信通过所有主要的协议。Optional bus communications via all maj protocols.

让他们都使用相同的通信协议。Have them all use the same communications protocol.

这个遗弃的工作站曾用于对流层通信。The abandoned station of tropospheric communications.

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我们需要在每次骑乘的时候都能用心与马沟通。We need to focus our communications during each ride.

这项研究有可能提高光纤通信。The research could improve fiber optic communications.

消除各支团队之间手工的、小范围的通信。Eliminate manual, ad hoc communications between groups.