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金子不都能闪亮。All gold is not glitter.

艾琳爱好炫耀和虚荣。Aileen loved show and glitter.

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晨露在阳光下闪烁。Morning dews glitter in the sun.

从泡沫到麦穗,众海之闪烁。Foam to wheat, a glitter of seas.

闪烁金带吓鸟走。The glitter strips scare the birds away.

他从不要求我穿金戴银。He won't ask me to wear jewels and glitter.

休耕地似水面波光闪耀。The fallow fields glitter like water indeed.

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闪亮的唇膏会使你的嘴唇更加的湿润,更加有吸引力。Lip glitter will make your lips wet and luring.

山顶像熨斗阳光下闪亮。Hill-tops like hot iron glitter bright in the sun.

使用51-1026能使闪光亮度达到最高点。Use of 51-1026 gives maximum brightness of glitter.

用带有亮粉的甲油斜斜的在中央刷更厚。Paint a diagonal stripe of more glitter on the nail.

他那双很像猪眼的小眼睛里闪烁着热情洋溢的光芒。His small, rather piggy eyes glitter with enthusiasm.

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在展示台上有舞台烟幕和闪光的沙砾。There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway.

请注意那件服装上是没有喷上闪光的。Please note that the dress has no glitter spayed on it.

这个芥末绿颜色配上亮葱真的很美呢!This particular wasabi green goes so well with glitter.

声名狼藉的摇滚乐歌手加里·格利特返回了英格兰的家中。Disgraced rocker Gary Glitter is back at home in England.

我看见C光束在汤豪色星门附近,在黑暗中闪亮着。I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate.

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金葱纺织用金属覆盖和弓口音上。Glitter textile upper with metallic overlays and bow accent.

他意味深长的对我笑着,眼里的凶光却不减半分。He express volumes to me smiling, eyes glitter but not flag.

我注视万丈光芒在天国之门的黑暗里闪耀。I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhäuser Gate.