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漆蜡。Japan wax.

日本和意大利。Japan and Italy.

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但日本却截然不同。But not in Japan.

张迈也是来自日本吗?She's from Japan.

总之,这就是日本。So, this is Japan.

是的,日本很富。Yes, Japan is rich.

日本就是个傀儡。Japan is the puppet.

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但是,日本方面也不会善罢甘休。But neither is Japan.

日本的艺妓。The geishas of Japan.

敏朗来自日本。Toshiro is from Japan.

因为,你还有可能身处日本。You could be in Japan.

后来他在日本去世。Jianzhen died in Japan.

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他东渡去日本He crossed over to Japan.

他与1946年去了日本。He went to Japan in 1946.

我想要一位在日本的笔友。Iwant a pen pal in Japan.

鲁明先生来自日本。Mr. Luming is from Japan.

你什么时候拜候过日本?When did you visit Japan?

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日本将要背负骂名。Japan would get the blame.

我叔叔下周筹算去日本。My uncle is to Japan next.

1959年生于日本弘前。Born 1959, Hirosaki, Japan.