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土族、撒拉族是青海省特有的少数民族。Tu and Sala are the extra minority of QingHai province.

会有大片大片的雪花洒落在我的手心。There will be large tracts of snow in the Sala my palms.

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然而当雪花持续不断撒落到南方时,却成了一种灾难。However, when the snow continued to the South Sala , has become a disaster.

与其他数十万犹太人一样,母亲萨拉在贝尔泽克集中营殉难。Like tens of thousands of other Jews, mother Sala died in the Belzec concentration camp.

中间的时光我在水池中间的凉亭里度过,那里有一张带按摩喷头的水床。In between I lolled in the sala in the midst of the pool – a pavilion with a bed of bubbling water jets.

纯平经过深思,给萨拉讲了一晚上故事后,最终决定娶了小夜子。Junpei thinks it over, and eventually decides to marry Sayoko, after an evening spent telling stories to Sala.

什么是撒拉族商业文化,它形成的环境是什么,又具有什么样的功能,将一一揭开这些问题的答案。What is Sala business culture , how it come into being and what kind of functions it have , all these will be unveiled in this paper.

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以青海高原汉族、藏族、回族、土族、撒拉族、蒙古族大学生作为研究对象,对他们的体质状况进行了测试和分析。This research takes physique condition of university students of Han, Tibetan, Hui, Tu, Sala and Mongolian in Qinghai as objects of study.

“它们追逐移动的一切”,安克萨拉注重到,一个海洋生态学家在西班牙的国家科学研究会议和一位国家地理的同事。"They go after everything that moves" observed Enric Sala a marine ecologist on Spain's National Council for Scientific Research and a National Geographic fellow.

克-萨拉博士和一队科学家是探索古时的水域――基里巴斯的南部的线路岛屿,其中之一上面提及的那个健康的,安静的地方在海洋。Enric Sala and a team of scientists are exploring the pristine waters of Kiribati's southern Line Islands, one of the last healthy, undisturbed places in the ocean.

博士安瑞科萨拉和一组科学家正在探索的原始水域基里巴斯群岛南部线群岛,上面提及的那个健康的之一,安静的地方在海洋里。Dr. Enric Sala and a team of scientists are exploring the pristine waters of Kiribati's southern Line Islands , one of the last healthy, undisturbed places in the ocean.

一半在土里安详,一半在风里飞扬,一半洒落阴凉,一半沐浴阳光,非常沉默非常骄傲,从不依靠从不寻找。Half of the soil in the serene, half of the dust in the wind, half of the Sala shade, half of the sun bathing, very silent and very proud, never never rely on the search for.

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前日早上陈小春在香港沙田发生车祸,他的黑色私人轿车整个翻覆四脚朝天,引擎盖撞得稀烂,碎片洒落一地。Jordan Chan in Hong Kong the day before yesterday morning in a car accident in Sha Tin, his black private car tip over the entire legs in the air, pulpy Zhuangde hood, and a debris Sala.

本文通过对西北地区的回族、撒拉族、藏族等民族个案的研究,探讨了西北各民族族际交流的形式与族际交流过程中的文化涵化现象。This paper makes a case study of Hui nationality, Sala nationality, and Zang nationality, and analyzes the forms and the cultural assimilation of communications among ethnic communities.

途径迦毗罗卫国与天臂城交界的地方,有一座蓝毗尼花园,夫人于园中一颗葱翠的无忧树下休息时,就在树下顺利地产下了太子。At the junction of Kapilavastu and the city of Devadarsita was a place called Lumbini Park. The Queen rested herself in the park under the sala trees. There, she gave birth to the Prince.