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目的探讨小鼠胚胎冷冻保存方法。Objective To study the methods of mouse embryo cryopreservation. ?

自来水冲洗化冻能够较高的保持花粉的萌发率。Cryopreservation can maintain peony pollen viability for a long time.

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低温疗法是植物低温贮藏技术的新应用。Cryotherapy is a novel application of plant cryopreservation techniques.

目的探讨脐血造血细胞的低温保存方法。Objective To study the methods of cryopreservation of hematopoietic cell.

冷冻可以引起卵子正常受精率的降低。Cryopreservation could decrease the normal fertilization rates of the oocytes.

超低温保存或许是鲵鱼,又称隐鳃鲵的最后机会。Cryopreservation may be the last chance for the hellbender, aka the snot otter.

这是欧李超低温保存成功的首例报道。This is the first successful report of cryopreservation of in vitro Cerasus humilis.

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低温生物显微台是生物材料低温保存研究中的重要工具之一。Cryomicroscope is an important tool in the study of cryopreservation of biomaterials.

此外还对文昌鱼胚胎的冷冻保存进行了初步探索。And the primary research on cryopreservation of amphioxus embryos was also carried out.

因此,番茄红素油树脂需隔氧、避光、低温保存。So the storage of lycopene oleoresin needs avoiding light and oxygen, cryopreservation.

造血细胞活力不随保存时间延长而降低。The viability of hemopoietic cells doesn' t decrease with the time of cryopreservation.

目的研究表皮细胞培养膜片的冷冻保存。Objective The Aim is to study the cryopreservation of the cultured epidermal cell sheets.

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本研究还对文昌鱼胚胎的冷冻保存进行了初步探索。Finally, the thesis also described a primary research on cryopreservation of amphioxus embryos.

目前研究焦点在于寻找更好的冷冻保护剂和简化操作方法等方面。Most studies focused on the methods of cryopreservation and finding better cryoprotective agent.

结论慢速冷冻快速融冻人卵母细胞是一种可行的卵母细胞的冻融方法。Conclusion Slow freezing and rapid thawing and technique is a method for oocyte cryopreservation.

结论-60℃是动脉冷冻保存较理想的维持温度。Conclusions -60℃ is the optimal holding temperature for the cryopreservation of allograft artery.

并提出了玻璃化冻存动物以及组织细胞的问题与展望。The question and prospect of vitrified cryopreservation on animal tissues and cells are suggested.

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结论短期的超低温冻存对人BMSC的生物活性无明显影响。Conclusion The biological characteristics of BMSC have no changes after short-term cryopreservation.

本文以裙带菜配子体为实验材料,用包埋脱水法进行超低温和常低温保存。This test studied the cryopreservation and usual preservation of gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida.

目前,牛的胚胎冷冻保存已成为一种较成熟的常规技术,广泛应用于牛的繁殖科研与生产。Cryopreservation of bovine embryo is become a normal technique and applied in bovine reproduction widely.