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告诉妮娜怎样去学校。Tell how Nina gers to school.

她笑着,很高兴离开那间房子gers. She was laughing, happy to be out of the house, in

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父母应该教导孩子不可有偷窃行为。Parents should teach their kids not to have itchy fin- gers.

牧民们支起帐篷,抗议政府。Nomads have pitched their gers nearby to protest the government.

“我不知道,”克鲁利说,“但我知道这游戏肯定叫“傻瓜蛋”。”"I don't know," said Crowley, "but I think it's called silly bug?gers."

“我不知道,”克鲁利说,“但我知道这游戏肯定叫“傻瓜蛋”。”"I don't know, " said Crowley, "but I think it's called silly bug?gers."

蒙古包提供有庇护的住所以及更多的自主和自由。The gers provide sheltered accommodation as well as greater autonomy and freedom.

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如果他知道了猎犬的事情,他就会发现很难面对明天必须经受的种种危险了。If he knows about the hound, he will find it harder to face the dan gers of tomorrow.

格尔是康奈尔大学的毕业生,已婚并育有两子,现居纽约。A graduate of Cornell University, Gers is married with two children and lives in New York City.

过去的造假者可以用一层很薄的银箔覆盖金属块,并把它加热,以便熔合到表面。Old for gers could cover a metal lump with thin silver foil and heat it to fuse the foil on to the surface.

著名的草原有热尔坝大草原、松潘草原和红原草原几处。There are well-known grassland prairie Gers dam, the Songpan Grassland and red a few of the original grasslands.

在中国,就像世界的许多地方,能源是一个国家中十分引人注目的一个问题。In China, as in many parts of the world, energy conservation is an issue which gers a lot of attention these days.

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蒙古包是一种帐篷结构的建筑,游牧民们在里面生活。While in the remote countryside, voting is taking place inside gers , tent-like structures that nomads use as a home.

刚一破晓就可以看见马路亡一群群的慢跑者,健身俱乐部和体育馆在大城市里到处都是。Jog- gers can be seen on the streets in droves soon after dawn, and health clubs and gyms dot the landscape of major cities.

除了几个苏式城市,大部分蒙古人仍住在传统的圆形帐篷,即蒙古包里。Despite possessing several Soviet-style cities, the majority of Mongolians still live in traditional round white tents, or gers.

天长市龙亨电子有限公司,创立5年,专门生产电动车充电器。Tianchang City Long Heng Electronic Limited Company , was founded 5 years, specialize in the production of electric vehicle gers.

在这个城市,就像高端的时尚品一样,摩托车与装备了卫星电视和太阳能面板的蒙古包,是蒙古人炫耀新财富的方式。Like high-end fashion in the city, motorcycles and gers furnished with satellite dishes and solar panels are a Mongolian display of new wealth.

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在蒙古包中生活的人从事各种日常活动,例如牧马、挤牛奶、收集燃料、在园中干活、做木工和刺绣。People living in gers are engaged in day-to-day activities such as herding horses, milking cows, fuel gathering, gardening, carpentry, and embroidery.

这位21岁的后卫本赛季从曼联租借给流浪者,对于错过了下周三这场在老特拉福德上演的欧冠比赛,他表示并不感到失望。The 21-year-old, who is on loan to The Gers from United, is not disappointed to miss out on next Wednesday's UEFA Champions League clash at Old Trafford.

目的研究手指挤压离断伤再植手术的指征及手术方法,提高再植成活率。Objective To study indication and methods of replantative operation of the extrusive disjoint finˉ gers which can improve successful rate of replantation.