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狗狗专用的盘圈型蚊香。Mosquito coil for dogs.

又被偷酒的花蚊咬破。in the mosquito bites and wine.

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是个捕蚊的小英雄。They are heroic mosquito catchers.

季夏是蚊子肆虐的时候。Late summertime is mosquito season.

疟疾经由蚊子叮咬传播。Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.

我们忍受着蚊子和飞虫的叮咬。We suffer from mosquito bites, flies.

你被蚊子咬的地方还痒吗?Are your mosquito bites still itching?

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我们这里有治疗蚊虫叮咬的虎牌清凉油。We have TIGER Balm for mosquito bites.

有种蚊子叮人后人会患疟疾。One type of mosquito can cause malaria.

请问蚊子咬伤擦什么药?。What do you suggest for mosquito bites?

有蚊子来饮其头血。Mosquito to drink the blood of their heads.

降低蚊子传播的风险。Reducing the risk of mosquito transmission.

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运用蚊子的趋光性引诱雌蚊。The use of mosquito lure female mosquitoes.

这全是小蚊子惹的祸。All because of something as tiny as a mosquito.

我们从远处瞥见了喜马拉雅山,就是被成千上万的蚊子叮咬也值得了。Even the thousand mosquito bites seem worth it.

治疗蚊帐,避孕套、耗材14。Treated Mosquito Nets, Condoms, Disposables 14.

抽象的一个立场文件蚊器。The AMCA has a position paper on mosquito traps.

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他胳膊上的小红点是蚊虫叮咬留下的伤痕。The red spot on his arm is a sting of a mosquito.

只有这样才既能防蚊虫又能防盗。Only in this way can both mosquito and anti-theft.

这只青蛙突然伸出舌头捕捉蚊子。The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.