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一般来说,这段尿是未被污染的。As a rule this portion is uncontaminated.

无化学战剂存在。An uncontaminated area where there are no chemical agents present.

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所有材料必须在一个干净,干燥和未污染的情况。All material must be in a clean, dry and uncontaminated condition to quality.

随着今天的技术,您希望您的音频体验,将清洁和无污染。With today's technology, you expect your audio experience to be clean and uncontaminated.

一个平常人在官场里呆久了,想要涅而不缁,是很难的。It's hard for an ordinary person to remain uncontaminated after years in official circles.

情绪透明的的像山涧中未经污染的小溪,欢快而流畅。Emotional and transparent image of mountain streams uncontaminated streams, lively and smooth.

这个诊断是依据收集和分析无受污染的尿液标本。The diagnosis is dependent on the collection and analysis of an uncontaminated urine specimen.

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该工艺具有低投资、低成本、高效益、无污染等优点。This technology has the advantage of low investment, low cost, high benefit and uncontaminated etc.

美国是实际、坦率思考的国度,未受到我们欧洲世故的污染。America is the land of practical, straightforward thinking, uncontaminated by our European sophistication.

海南岛是中国唯一的热带海岛省份,被称为世界上“少有的几块未被污染的净土”。Hainan is the China's only tropical island province, known as the world's "rare few uncontaminated pure land."

最后还可用清水进行清洗处理,保证瓶外壁干净无污染。Finally washing treatment is carried out with clean water to ensure surface of bottle clean and uncontaminated.

我喜欢听听纯真的心灵对于伟大作品的新鲜反映,因为他们尚未受到传统批评成见污染。I like to get the fresh reaction of innocence to a masterpiece, uncontaminated by traditional critical opinion.

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关键问题是蔬菜和水果中的水分是世界上唯一没被污染的水源。This is a critical issue in parts of the world where fruits and vegetables are the only uncontaminated water source!

他用闪电般的速度把水桶戳进水池里,以便能从没被污染的深处取水。He would shoot his water-pot into the tank with a lightning movement so as to get his supply from an uncontaminated depth.

未污染的水通常用作真空泵的密封水和压缩机的冷却水以及供保健用。Uncontaminated water is normally used as seal water for vacuum pumps and for compressor cooling as well as for sanitary use.

这个自然就是他无比热爱的西伯利亚的森林和原野,那些似乎没有被文明侵蚀的土地。The nature here is none other than his beloved Siberian forests and prairies, the land uncontaminated by modern civilization.

若采用水冷坩埚可得到一次熔炼成份均匀、准确且不被坩埚污染的合金熔锭。By using a suitable water-cooling ceramic crucible, we can obtain the uncontaminated alloy ingots with homogenous and accurate composition.

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作为那新郎的真朋友,施洗约翰给基督献上了纯洁的、贞洁的新娘,基督就是教会唯一的新郎。As the faithful friend of the bridegroom he presents the bride chaste and uncontaminated to Christ, who alone is the bridegroom of the Church.

而屹立于另一巨石上建造于唐代的七级玲珑宝塔,则与三巨佛相为映衬。And another boulder standing in the construction of the Tang Dynasty in the seven exquisite pagodas, and three of the giant Buddha uncontaminated.

华清池水温为摄氏43度,水质清醇,含有硫磺等多种矿物元素,最宜沐。The water here is clear and uncontaminated. At a constant 430C, it contains various kinds of mineral salts and sulphates and is ideal for bathing in.