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贪婪的睨视,恶意的斜觑。Greedy sidelong glances and malicious squints.

我们转身时,我们会看见横的线条。When we are turning around, we see strings sidelong.

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正切刃是旋耕刀的重要组成部分。The sidelong edge is an important composition part of the rotary blade.

盖利斯咳嗽了一下,清了清喉咙,瞥了魔手一眼。GARETH coughed, cleared his throat, and cast the Hand a sidelong glance.

他用淡蓝色的眼睛瞟了她一下,没有吭声。He gave her a sidelong glance with his pale, blue eyes, but did not reply.

在火车上他偷偷地瞟了一眼坐在身旁的年轻女子。He stole a sidelong glance at the young woman sitting next to him on the train.

士兵从他面前走过时,都奇怪地、甚至吃惊地斜着眼看他那副样子。The soldiers cast sidelong glances of surprise and even alarm at him, as they ran by.

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他从垂下的浓眉下高兴地斜着眼睛看儿子。He took delighted , sidelong glances at his son from under his thick , overhanging brows.

所有人鱼贯而出,尼娜瞥了杰克一眼,托尼·阿尔梅达无法掩饰脸上的憎恶表情。As they filed out, Nina gave Jack a sidelong glance, Tony Almeida couldn't hide his disgust.

“难!”老师从眼镜圈外斜射出眼光来,看着我,说。“我告诉你一件事。"It's a difficult thing. " the teacher, giving me a sidelong glance over his glasses, said, "let.

阿珍噘起了嘴唇,斜着眼睛说,永不忘记卖弄她的风骚。As she spoke, Ah Chen pouted out her lips and gave Tu Weiyueh a sidelong glance. The eternal flirt.

“难”老师从眼镜圈外斜射出眼光来,看着我,说。“我告诉你一件事。"That's a hard nut, " said the teacher, giving me a sidelong glance over his glasses. "Let me tell you this story----"

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伽弗洛什向旁边望了一眼,看见马白夫公公仍坐在石凳上,象是睡着了。Gavroche had assured himself, with a sidelong glance, that Father Mabeuf was still sitting on his bench, probably sound asleep.

其插法为横向贯穿顶髻,髻又留出一截替杆斜出髻顶,格外惹眼夺目。It is inserted horizontally all through the top bun, with a section of the clasp protruding in sidelong , looking very conspicuous.

注意你迅速扬起眉毛,瞟一眼、带着一丝微笑吗,还有稍微持久的目光?Notice the quick little eyebrow raise you make, the sidelong glance coupled with the weak smile you give, the slightly sustained gaze you offer?

应用曲杆有限单元法建立曲线梁桥的实用分析方法,并考虑了曲线梁桥的非径向支承特征。Applying the theory of curved beam FEM, a practical method of structure analysis of curved bridge is build when considering the sidelong support.

现役的水下发射装置,经常采用单液压缸驱动,这样会产生滑套上的倾覆力矩。The existing under-water projection devices usually adopt single synchronous hydraulic cylinder, which will generate sidelong moment on sliding slipcover.

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拉扎列夫停步了,露出惊惶的样子,朝上校斜视一眼,便像士兵们被喊到队列前面时常有的情形那样,他的面孔颤动了一下。Lazarev stopped short, with a sidelong scared look at his colonel, and his face quivered, as one so often sees in soldiers called up in front of the ranks.

横向价格联盟是目前我国经济生活中普遍存在的现象,它不仅严重损害了消费者的利益,而且也对一国的经济秩序造成了极大的危害。The sidelong price alliance is the widespread phenomenon in China's economic life. It is not only harmful to the consumer, but also to the competition order.

有次他们在走廊擦肩而过,她乜斜着瞟了他一眼,好像彻底看穿了他,刹那间让他恐惧欲狂。Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror.