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波动的市场可掩盖各种欺诈行为。Volatile markets can mask all kinds of skulduggery.

他在一家调查商业诈骗的公司任职。He is working in a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery.

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特莱斯曼勋爵竟指责申办对手俄罗斯和西班牙私下有舞弊行为。Lord Triesman accused Russia and Spain, rival bidders, of skulduggery.

想找到这种类型的作假十分困难,更不用说找出证据。Finding evidence of that sort of skulduggery may be difficult, and proving it even more so.

第六部分指出企业员工不忠诚造成的风险可通过舞弊审计识别和预防。The sixth section pointed out that the risk of employee dihonest could be find out and resist by skulduggery auditing.

如果真的有作假这个名声,那么瑞士这个占世界离岸资金四分之一的国家就会有大麻烦了。If this reputation for skulduggery is right, Switzerland, home to about one-quarter of the world's offshore money, is in big trouble.

统计作假有统计体制、计机制、计法律、计方法、计制度等多方面的原因。Statistics skulduggery has various reasons such as the statistics system, statistics mechanism, statistics law, statistics method and so on.

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但是埃及希望收回纳芙提提,文件揭示这尊半身像完全因欺骗而流失海外的原因可能坚定了埃及政府的观点。But Egypt wants Nefertiti back and a document showing that the bust only left the country because of skulduggery could well strengthen Cairo's case.

这是海上发生的一个机智勇敢的传奇故事,它在全世界瞩目下上演,因此益发引人入胜。It was a swashbuckling tale of skulduggery and heroism on the high seas made all the more gripping by the fact that it happened as the world watched.

统计作假有统计体制、统计机制、统计法律、统计方法、统计制度等多方面的原因。If we want to cure the statistics skulduggery thoroughly, the statistics the system must practise complete the perpendicular management and revising the "Statistics Law" as soon as possible.