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欠费问题一直是电信面临的一个严重问题。Arrearage in telecom has long been a frustrating problem.

与财务部门帐目核对及应收欠款的控制。Check account with the financial department and control the arrearage.

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精神发育迟滞多是在儿童时期即被发现。Mental development arrearage is in children period is discovered namely more.

应收应付管理包括对应收账款的管理及历史挂帐的查询。Gathering and payment management contains the management and query of the arrearage.

回答是肯定的,而且精神发育迟滞的遗传倾向很大。The answer is affirmative, and the genetic liability of mental development arrearage is very big.

医院建筑房屋面积和年内病人欠费总额对医院效率的改善有的负面影响。The built-up area of hospitals and arrearage from patients may significantly increase inefficiency.

贷借与欠款的形成有着复杂的社会和历史原因。The origin of the arrearage and loans comes from series of important social and historical reasons.

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国营种畜场经济发展迟滞是一个具有普遍性的问题。Arrearage of progress of economy of field of state-operated stud stock is a problem that has catholicity.

该方案能够较好地实现BOSS的实时计费并且有效地降低欠费风险。This implementation can provide the BOSS with real-time charging function and reduce arrearage risks effectively.

我国宏观经济运行不畅与居民消费结构升级迟滞有关。Our country macroscopical economy moves not free and dweller consumption structure upgrade arrearage is concerned.

近年来,在建筑行业的工程建设合同欠款纠纷层出不断。Recent years, the disputes of contract arrearage of engineering construct emerges in endlessly in construct industry.

提出,在当前的情况下,军队医院医疗欠费的难题只能依靠军队医院管理者研究自行研究、控制与解决。The authors suggested that the solution of the medical treatment arrearage should only depend on itself under current circumstance.

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由此产生了欠费风险控制系统,该系统提供对被监控用户的实时计费。The Arrearage Risk Control System, which can provide real-time charging function on users being monitored is prompted to solve this question.

通过对系统架构、系统功能结构及外部接口的设计进行实现,并重点阐述了欠费管理系统子模块。Besides, he explains the arrearage managing part in details. At the end of this paper, the author show the facts which should be cared of in the application.

您所拨打的用户心已欠费,爱已停机,感情不在服务区,请您不要再拨。Heart which the subscriber you are calling own has already been in arrearage , love has stopped, feeling is out of service section, please don't dial anymore.