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不要跟我们德克萨斯人较劲。Don't mess with Texas.

东北德克萨斯州的喀多族人。Caddo people of NE Texas.

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这是得克萨斯制造的。This was made up in Texas.

我原本是从得克萨斯来的I'm originally from Texas and

他们在得克萨斯州定居下来了。They've homesteaded in Texas.

当然可以。我来自德克萨斯州的休斯顿。Sure. I'm from Houston, Texas.

艾克飓风直扑德州!The IKE hurricane attacks Texas.

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别忘了,我来自西德克萨斯。After all, I was from West Texas.

我们都备好马,在德克萨斯州见。Well saddle up and meet in Texas.

当时我八岁,在德克萨斯州。I was 8 years old. I was in Texas.

那时我不过是从得克萨斯来的土包子。I was just a hick from Texas then.

因此,德州大猫来到佛罗里达州。So the Texas cats came to Florida.

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——鲍比海斯,德克萨斯彩票中心发言人Bobby Heith, spokesman, Texas Lottery

美国生产马海毛最顶尖的州是德克萨斯州。America's top producing state is Texas.

但是德克萨斯一名化学家有另外一个想法。But a chemist in Texas has another idea.

德克萨斯A&M出版社,大学城,德克萨斯。Texas A&M Press, College Station, Texas.

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德克萨斯是一片肥沃之地,但这里没有什么人。Texas was a rich land. But it was empty.

美国于1845年并吞了得克萨斯。The United States annexed Texas in 1845.

回信地址是德州的切尔里德斯。The return address was Childress, Texas.