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但是兰伯特立即回复说,三层蛋糕运起来很困难,无法送货。But Lambert quickly replied that a three-tiered cake was too dicey to ship.

这些发现给丰田和交通运输部带来的都是无法预料的形势。The findings are dicey terrain for Toyota and Transportation Department officials.

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当我们的一位队友冒险攀爬崖壁时,出现了比较危险的一刻。There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.

但是每个运营商如何处理或者传送这些联系电话号簿,是不一样的。But the details on how each carrier handles or transfers contacts can be a little dicey.

政府有充足的现金并准备在危险发生时支撑关键银行和公司。The government is flush with cash and ready to prop up key banks and companies in case things get dicey.

这就是说,首先从最致命的基础角度分析一个复杂的社会是难以预料很危险的。That said, analyzing a complex society primarily through the lens of its most virulent elements is a dicey business.

无论如何,我们很难有充分把握预测25年之后的科技发展——变化无时不在,预言很少成真。Predicting 25 years ahead in the field of technology is dicey at best—change is constant and prognostications rarely stand.

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Berryman指出福克斯的互联网战略与其他全国性的媒体公司不同。Dicey Proposition Berryman said that Fox's Internet strategy is different from those of other broadcasters, which have been national in scope.

当问及评论这项研究的意义时,Carlson博士表示对双相情感障碍的青少年的早期干预是“冒险的”。Asked to comment on the implications of the study, Dr. Carlson said the issue of early intervention in youngsters with bipolar disorder is "dicey."

我不愿意把那些认为开枪射击是好办法、逮捕是家常便饭的警察招来,使得别人陷入危险境地。I'm often unwilling to introduce someone who thinks it's good idea to tase, or more commonly arrest, you for being rudeness into a dicey situation.

戴雪是十九世纪英国著名的宪法学家,以对英国宪法的开创性研究而著称。Dicey was a famous Constitutional scholar of the England in nineteenth-century, He is known for the groundbreaking research on British constitution.

预测流感是一种冒险的努力,与美国政府著名的猜测错了大约在1976年猪流感大流行,从未实现。Predicting influenza is a dicey endeavor, with the U. S. government famously guessing wrong in 1976 about a swine flu pandemic that never materialized.

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在这种情况下,AIG接手的业务低风险,低回报,也使之陷入了不确定的风险——与纳税人一起走进圈套。In this case, AIG managed to take a business specifically designed to be low risk, low return and amp it into another dicey venture — with taxpayers on the hook.

“12周太长了,”他说道,张开他的小指说疤痕组织已经建立起来,这使得他的上场比上个赛季的风险要小。That was too long, " he said, splaying out his fingers and saying that enough scar tissue had built up in the pinkie to make it less dicey to play with this season."

更为重要的是,与妇女相比,男人为了获得赏识和奖励,往往会知难而进,主动与公司进行圆滑但又有些冒险的谈判工作,并且最后往往如愿以偿。More importantly, they're generally more willing than women to do the sometimes dicey and delicate work of negotiating for the recognition and rewards they've earned.

这些发现给丰田和交通运输部带来的都是无法预料的形势。任何一方都不想被公众认为自己把那些导致伤亡的交通事故归咎于驾驶者自己的疏忽。The findings are dicey terrain for Toyota and Transportation Department officials. Neither wants to be seen as blaming drivers for accidents that have caused injuries or cost lives.

在接下来的24小时里,对这些的网站访问连接有可能存在不确定性,就像你的操作系统存在十亿个不安定因素一样,这一切有赖于那些服务器的稳定性,还有ISP的支撑。Depending on about a billion factors like your operating system, the stability of those servers, and ISP support, connectivity to those sites could get dicey during the next 24 hours.

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首先,戴雪将宪法定义为关于国家主权行使的规则,不仅包括宪法性法律,还包括宪法典则。First of all, Dicey defined the constitution as the rules of the exercise of national sovereignty, not only including the law of constitution, but also including the conventions of the constitution.