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羊毛再白,也能染黑。Thereis no wool so white but a dyer can make it black.

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中央标准时间,范德比尔特戴尔天文台的阿尔维说。" central time, the Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory's Alvey said.

圣匠宾馆位于九龙红磡戴亚街一号。Holy Carpenter Guest House is located in 1 Dyer Avenue, Hunghom, Kowloon.

法国图卢兹大学的马汀居法与戴尔联系以期回答这个问题。Martin Giurfa at France's Université de Toulouse contacted Dyer to work on that question.

韦恩。劳特利奇和纳森。代尔也许是全队最有名的球员了。Wayne Routledge and Nathan Dyer are arguably the most recognizable names on the team sheet.

贝拉米是腿部扭伤而安布罗西和戴尔则是双双肌肉拉伤。Bellamy has a hamstring strain while Ambrose and Dyer have both been sidelined by muscle tears.

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凯隆。代尔给打电话告诉我正在发生的一切,我永远也忘不了当时他说的话。Kieron Dyer rang me up to let me know exactly what was going on and I'll never forget what he said.

“他练习了很久,他说当他递给女王抱枕时要说‘这是给乔治小王子的’”帕·特代尔说道。"He's been practising and he said when he handed her the cushion 'this is for baby George'", Mr Dyer added.

代尔接巴特的传球,反越位成功,但是切赫却成功地做出了反映。Dyer was given the benefit of a marginal offside decision to run on to Butt's through-ball, but Cech made a vital block.

早在2005年,莫纳什大学的阿瑞恩戴尔就表示蜜蜂能通过把人和手中拿着的有甜味的零食联系起来以进行识别。Back in 2005, Arian Dyer at Monash University showed that bees could identify people who they associated who with sugary snacks.

马克-诺贝尔,狄恩-阿什顿和基隆-戴尔分别因小腿肚子,踝和胫骨伤势长期缺阵。Mark Noble, pictured below, Dean Ashton and Kieron Dyer are longer-term absentees with calf, ankle and shin injuries respectively.

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纽卡两名球员代尔和保业因为在主场3-0大败给维拉的比赛中大大出手被双双罚出场外。Newcastle pair Kieron Dyer and Lee Bowyer were sent off in disgrace for fighting during their side's 3-0 home defeat against Aston Villa.

丹尼·戴尔因其在该剧中扮演米克·卡特一角,继去年收获最佳连续剧表演奖后再次将该奖收入囊中。Danny Dyer also received the best serial drama performance prize for a second consecutive year for his role as Mick Carter in the programme.

早在2005年,蒙纳士大学的埃里安·戴尔证明,蜜蜂能够辨认出和它们的甜点有关的人。But they can. Back in 2005, Arian Dyer at Monash University showed that bees could identify people who they associated who with sugary snacks.

布拉德利奥尔取代戴尔在洛夫特斯路的位置,而瓦诺克目前有问题,在左后卫的位置上他挂了。Bradley Orr replaced Dyer at Loftus Road, while Warnock also currently has issues at left-back after Clint Hill was sent off late on in the defeat by Bolton.

西贝尔斯基在两分钟时的头球给切赫和费雷拉很大的压力。八分钟之后,代尔的射门也偏离了目标。Antoine Sibierski caused problems for both Cech and full-back Paulo Ferreira with a second-minute header, while Dyer saw a shot deflected wide eight minutes later.

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"投资销售市场刚出现了一些量和价的复苏",Dyer称,并指出了伦敦、香港、首尔、新加坡和巴黎."There is an emerging recovery in transaction activity and in some pricing in the investment sales markets," Dyer said, singling out London, Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore and Paris.

科斯塔将和巴塞迪利一起工作,巴将在工厂基地工作,工程师克里斯戴尔将担负起巴塞迪利在赛道边的职责。Costa will work alongside team manager Luca Baldisserri, who will now take on a factory-based role, while chief engineer Chris Dyer will assume Baldisserri’s trackside responsibilities.