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这是一种个人专用所有权的观念。In this word there is the idea of proprietorship.

他愉快地觉得他独占了她。He had such a pleasant sense of proprietorship in her!

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这也是独资经营企业的优势之一。That is one of the advantages of a sole proprietorship.

一人公司和个人独资企业不能互相取代。One-man company cannot replace sole proprietorship each other.

对私人所有权的问题早就该调整了。Should adjust early to the private and proprietorship problem.

现代意义上的所有权概念起源于罗马法。The concept of proprietorship in modern sense originated from the Roman law.

他名叫埃尔伍德电子这家新公司,并且拥有它作为一个独资企业。He named this new company Elwood Electronics and owned it as a sole proprietorship.

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在华跨国公司的独资化倾向有可能被扭转吗?Can the sole proprietorship tendency of the transnational companies in China be reversed?

与独资经营形式相比,合伙经营有着更为广阔的资金源。Compared with the individual proprietorship form, the partnership has a broader capital source.

作为小企业所有者与独资经营,你和业务是一回事。As a small business owner with a sole proprietorship , you and the business are one and the same.

双重产权规则的冲突是导致目前我国经济宏观控制能力弱化的根源。The conflict between dual types of proprietorship leads to the weakness of China's macroeontrolling capacity.

个人独资企业、合伙企业不适用本法。The sole individual proprietorship enterprises and partnership enterprises are not governed by the present law.

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这家软件公司正处于从独资经营到合资经营的转化过程中。This software company is in the midst of being transformed from an individual proprietorship to a joint venture.

企业法人、个体工商户、个人合伙有权使用、依法转让自己的名称。An enterprise-legal person, proprietorship or partnership has the right to bear or legally assign its business name.

个人独资的快餐店规模相对要小,机构相对简单,操作方式灵活机动。A sole proprietorship of fast-food wants relatively small scale, institutions relatively simple, flexible operation mode.

典型的企业制度,经历了从传统的自然人业主制企业,合伙制企业到现代企业制度的演变。The typical enterprise system develops from that of traditional sole proprietorship and partnership to modern corporation.

组织管理个体工商户、个人合伙、个人独资和私营企业的经营行为。To regulate the business practices of self-employed, private partnerships, individual proprietorship and private enterprises.

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在独资经营这种经营形式中,由个人出资,最终的利润自然归个人所得。In the form of individual proprietorship business, the capital contribution, the ultimate profit naturally return to personal income.

肇庆市伟易达礼品公司是一家集生产加工、招商代理的独资企业,一直致力于织带设计、开发、生产和销售。Zhaoqing Weiyida Gifts Company is an individual proprietorship. We try our best to design, develop, and produce and sale the lanyard.

我们是为独资和合资的外企提供人力资源服务的猎头公司。We are a head-hunting company that provides human resources service for the foreign companies, both sole proprietorship and joint venture.