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枝干末稍,花茎末稍。Stem end and blossom end.

它们花开又花落。They blossom and then drop.

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玫瑰鲜花怒放。The rose burst into blossom.

南瓜花正盛开。Pumpkins are in full blossom.

花由花蕾发育而成。A blossom develops from a bud.

花朵是从蓓蕾孕育而开放的。A blossom develops from a bud.

灌木丛中花团烂漫。All the shrubs are in blossom.

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中文意思为花开最美的时刻。Live in a blossom is the best.

花开花落的往事已调零已调零。Blossom past has zero has zero.

寒梅著花未。Opening its first cold blossom?

这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。The apple trees are in blossom.

花一朵接一朵地开发了。One by one, the flowers blossom.

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可爱飞花,你从哪棵树来?Sweet blossom where is your tree?

紫藤今年开花吗?Did the wisteria blossom this year?

我是那朵被夹进书里的花。I am the blossom pressed in a book.

百花争艳。Flowers blossom in a riot of colour.

一朵花能开就尽量地开。A flower can blossom as much as ever.

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开满花的那棵树叫什么树?What tree is the one in full blossom?

我现在的脸定是比这桃花还红。I now face than the peach blossom red.

今年杏花开得真好。The apricot blossom is fine this year.