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奈何又有多少人身心雪亮知其因?But how many people know and discerning for?

分辨人须从分辨诸灵开始。Discern life needs start from discerning spirit.

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她不能分辨是非。She is incapable of discerning right from wrong.

用心识别细节,某一情况下的特别之处。Discerning particulars, particular features of a situation.

比斯巨兽之眼的效果现在更加明显。Discerning Eye of the Beast procs should now be more obvious.

如果这个分析不误,那么,可以认为王氏极有眼力。If this analysis is not wrong, then that Wang's very discerning.

明眼人都在看你们的笑话。The quality and intelligence, discerning look at all your jokes.

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这是即使最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴。It's so delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet.

从最好的方面看,这种想法是对精明的老年消费者拐弯抹角的赞扬。At its best, the idea is a backhanded compliment to discerning older consumers.

你很甜蜜,对于那些有品味的咖啡客来说,有时甜得都有些发腻了。You are sweet, almost sickeningly so at times to the discerning coffee drinker.

尤乌。克里括香槟然后被小心地运往世界各地,供富于鉴赏力的顾客享用。Veuve Clicquot is then carefully shipped around the world to discerning customers.

她孩提时培养起的对收藏的痴迷丝毫未减,现在只是变得更有眼力了。Her childhood passion for collecting has not dimmed, but now she is more discerning.

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两套总统套房则适合最尊贵讲究的贵宾。Two magnificent Presidential Suites house our most demanding and discerning of guests.

他长着圆溜溜雪亮的眼睛,就是一只小蟑螂在它一米之外,它也能看得一清二楚。Round discerning eyes, he is a little cockroach in one meter, which it can see clearly.

这份困难的工作做到了什麽程度,只好让明眼的读者来断定了。To what extent this difficult task is accomplished is for the discerning reader to judge.

这款加本纳沙维雍让最挑剔的味觉都感觉到无比的优雅和平衡。This Cabernet Sauvignon has the elegance and balance to please the most discerning palate.

欢迎西南地区独具慧眼的投资者与本公司携手合作、共享成功!Welcome southwest discerning investors and the companies work together to share the success!

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智慧存在聪明人心中.昧人心里所存的、而易见。Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she lets herself be known.

明眼人一看贬值,此声明直指久游。A person with a discerning eye looks devalue, this statement points to continuously long swim.

专为爱好电影者而设,播放高格调的荷里活电影。Featuring high quality and exclusive Hollywood movies that suits the most discerning movie buffs.