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我要一些橡皮圈。I want some rubber bands.

它从来不听发夹和发带的话。It never obeys barrettes or bands.

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这些圈叫做活塞环。These bands are called piston rings.

天阶夜色凉如水。Cooler night-day bands such as water.

玛丽用丝带系住帽子。Maty bands her hat with a silk ribbon.

乐队从大厅里走了出来。Forth from the hall egressed the bands.

骆驼被分成两队。The camels were divided into two bands.

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他们借来的万卷这些频带。They had borrowed rolls of these bands.

军乐鸣奏,卫兵行礼。Military bands played. Soldiers saluted.

茶壶是褐色带黄色条纹的。The tea-pot was brown with yellow bands.

这些铜带最后在顶部结紧。These bands were then bolted at the top.

你还能听到乐队演奏,管弦乐队之类的。And you've got bands playing, orchestras.

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压缩膝盖的带子阻止我弯腿。Compression knee bands discourage bending.

本的乐队。宾的乐队。大大乐队。猪猪乐队。Ben's band. Bim's band. Big bands. Pig bands.

每个人都备有一个垫子,并配有重物和腕带。Each person has a mat with weights and bands.

我可以说出大概三个和我们一起表演的乐队。I could name maybe three bands we played with.

当今许多流行乐团在一夕之间成名。Many pop bands nowadays make it big overnight.

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颜料是不能溶解的有色物质。He obtained discrete bands of colour materials.

她的袖子用蓝色窄条镶边。Her sleeves are bordered with narrow blue bands.

所以他用3条铁片捆住他的心。So he fastened three iron bands round his heart.