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我可以控告你进行诬陷。I can sue you for slander.

他们以不实言论抨击他。They assailed him with slander.

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她常搬弄是非和造谣中伤。She deals in gossip and slander.

从来没有人对他造谣中伤。The breath of slander never touched him.

怀特先生反诉史密斯先生诽谤。Mr White countercharged Mr Smith with slander.

谣言这条毒蛇对我进行了恶意中伤。Slander , the viper , has wrongfully accused me.

你应当对这种恶意诽谤进行反击。You ought to kick back at such malicious slander.

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这无疑是对金钱的污蔑与栽赃。This is no doubt meant to slander and defile money.

诋毁人格、造谣中伤、文字诽谤等罪名。Charges of defamation of character slander and libel.

不管他们怎样诽谤我们,我们决不让步。No matter how they slander us, we will never give in.

人都不应该羞辱,辱骂,或诽谤他人。No man should reproach, revile, or slander another man.

晴雯遭难,“诽谤”起了极坏的作用,这是外因。Slander is the external cause for Qingwens mis fortune.

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我过去听信了谣言,现在我知道那是恶意中伤。I gave my ear to what I now know was the malice of slander.

隐藏怨恨的,有说谎得嘴,口出谗谤的,是愚妄的人。Lying lips conceal hatred, and whoever utters slander is a fool.

诽谤只有向第三者传播才能起诉。A slander is not actionable unless it is published to a third person.

我得谢谢你照实话说,而不诽谤我,即使是在说笑话!I'd thank you to adhere to the truth and not slander me, even in joke!

奥巴马自然对于麦克里斯特尔将军的最新公开诽谤很不满。Of course, Obama wasn’t happy about the general’s latest public slander.

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以恶报善的与我作对,因我是追求良善。Those who repay my good with evil slander me when I pursue what is good.

一个诽谤者如果没有憎恶诽谤的名气,便不会成功。A slanderer cannot succeed unless he has a reputation for hating slander.

所以这些个说我不对的人、毁谤我的人,都是我的善知识。So the people who criticize and slander me are all my Good and Wise Advisors.