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警察命令那个男人空手出来。The police ordered the men to come out barehanded.

然后让他们试着徒手再次去抓块块。Then they tried to snag the block barehanded again.

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赤手空拳的她能否实现从平庸到成功的完美一跃?Her barehanded whether come true from commonplace to the success perfect very quickly?

令人难以置信的,带电高压输电线路可以赤手操作。Incredible as it seems, live high voltage transmission lines can be worked barehanded.

以上是徒手武术而后保健武术的起始。This is regarded as the beginning of barehanded martial arts and healthcare martial arts.

选择抗争还是逃跑,这一天性是由基因决定的。Instead of fleeing, he chose to fight barehanded against a brawny member of the weasel family.

当听到两个年轻人赤手空拳打死一只老虎时,我们不禁为之愕然。We all raised our eyebrows when we heard that two young men hadbeaten a tiger to death barehanded.

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城市攀登阿兰-罗伯特以徒手攀上50座世界最高楼赢得“蜘蛛人”这个别名。Urban climber Alain Robert has earned the nickname ‘Spiderman’ for his barehanded climbs up 50 of the world’s tallest towers.

武术,在西方被誉为功夫,是中国的一项民间传统体育活动。它的特点是徒手或使用兵器来表现不同的格斗技巧。Wushu, Chinese martial arts, known in the West as kungfu, is a traditional folk sport characterized by various barehanded and armed combat techniques.

一大早出门,就能看到人们在公园里或路边开阔的场地上练习这种传统的运动项目,他们或赤手空拳,或手持某种武器。Going out early in the morning, they can see people doing this traditional form of exercise barehanded or with weapons in parks and on roadside open grounds.

本届武术节设拳术、器械、对练、集体项目四个竞赛项目以及武术论文报告会。The competition events of the Championships include barehanded routine, apparatus routine, dual events and group events. A Thesis Seminar will also be organized during the Championships.