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你的孩子应该会识字算数。Your children should be literate and numerate.

对数字敏感,有良好的分析能力,注重细节。Is Numerate , analytical thinking with great attention to detail.

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但这仅仅只是显示出,即使是货币市场类型也可能是不识数的。But this just shows that even money-market types can be in numerate.

除了要有出色的数学头脑,现代首席财务官在某种程度上还必须是一位IT专家。As well as highly numerate , a modern CFO must be something of an IT expert.

令人惊讶的是,计算盲的对贷款的选择与其他人并没有什么不同。Surprisingly, the least numerate were not making loan choices that differed much from their peers.

与传统求解时域电场积分方程的时域矩量法相比,该方法易于数值实现。This method is easier to numerate implementation than the traditional time domain method of moment.

地回答这些问题,将使你获得一个位于无数业余选手人群之上的优势。Being able to answer them on the fly gives you a real advantage over the crowd of in numerate amateurs.

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设计了求解等待时间等参数的仿真算法和流程框图。To numerate the parameters as wait time and so on, the paper designed algorithm of simulation and flow chart.

为了能在化学上取得成功,你需要具备能有逻辑地思考问题的能力,同时还要有创造能力、计算和分析的能力。To be successful in the subject you need to be able to think logically, and be creative, numerate , and analytical.

这封信从另一个孩子的口中读出时,座位上的家长们一片哽咽。When this seals a letter to numerate from inside the mouth of another child, the parents on the seat choke with sobs one piece.

这可能有助于解释为什么儿童在数字文化中有发展性计算障碍觉得如此艰难来学习算术。This may help explain why children in numerate cultures with developmental dyscalculia find it so difficult to learn arithmetic.

随着金融业的成长,其需求也从天资聪颖、精于计算的大学毕业生发展到到去创造新的、越来越复杂的金融产品。As the financial sector grew, so did the demand for talented, numerate graduates to create new and ever more sophisticated products.

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从全球来看,不论穷富,凡是注重早期儿童和家庭投资的社会往往识字率和认数率最高。Globally, societies that invest in children and families in the early years – whether rich or poor – have the most literate and numerate populations.

这些获得上大学资格的学生中,大部分在进了大学后要运用知识的时候几乎又成了半文盲,既不会写也不会算,需要一年的强化补习课来为学习大学课程做好准备。Of those who do, most are found to be functionally illiterate and in numerate when they get there, requiring intensive first-year remedial classes to bring them up to scratch.

他认为,如果选举一个仅由五个“有原则并善于计算”的中立者组成的“道德集团”来打破僵局,包含120成员的立法机构可能会再次发挥功能。By his reckoning, the 120-member legislature could become functional again if an "ethical bloc" of as few as five "principled and numerate" moderates could get elected, to break the stalemate.

如果孩子尊重父母,并且知道父母要求自己好好上学,即便是平庸的或是很笨的老师也能够成功地教出一般水平的能读会算的小学生。Where children respect a parent and know that he or she demands good behavior in school, even mediocre or loutish teachers can pull off the trick④of producing modestly literate and numerate children.