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我们无法从一场叛乱中杀出一条路来。We cannot kill our way out of an insurgency.

那是否意味着恢复武装起义?Does this mean returning to the armed insurgency?

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他们在暴动中长大,除此之外,一无所知。They have grown up knowing nothing but insurgency.

迄今为止,这项策略进行得怎么样?How has the counter insurgency strategy worked fared so far?

扎卡维被称作是伊拉克暴军中的“智多星”。Zarqawi was called the "mastermind" of the insurgency in Iraq.

阿富汗南部是塔利班领导的叛乱的中心。Southern Afghanistan is the center of the Taliban-led insurgency.

然而我退敌进,叛乱之势更盛。Yet the more they withdrew from towns, the more the insurgency intensified.

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这将有助于挫败叛乱分子的活动和减少罂粟种植的收入。This will help sap the insurgency of fighters and of income from poppy cultivation.

但是暴动的减少并不意味着和平的机会已经大量存在。But the dwindling of the insurgency does not mean that peaceful opportunities abound.

特别是他们接触的还很可能是叛乱分子里最顽固的那一部分。And not with what is arguably an irreconcilable element of that particular insurgency.

摩洛民族解放阵线是持续了近40年之久的反政府叛乱的一部分。The MILF has been part of a nearly four-decades-old insurgency against the government.

北约官员说,达杜拉的死亡对塔利班反叛活动来说是一记沉重打击。NATO officials say the death of Dadullah is a "serious blow" to the Taleban insurgency.

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提克里特12月期间,正规失去了九级战士的成长逊尼派叛乱。During 12 months in Tikrit, the Regulars lost nine soldiers to the growing Sunni insurgency.

阿富汗叛乱不在朝夕之间,我们的抗击亦不能一蹴而就。The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight and we won't defeat it overnight.

这一目的是通过政治途径弱化或终止潜在的骚乱。The idea is that such political progress would weaken or even end the still-potent insurgency.

巴基斯坦同时还煽动叛乱,造成印度的不稳定。Pakistan then simultaneously embarked on destabilization of India by fomenting insurgency there.

2001年美军入侵之后,武装伊斯兰的一个由希克马蒂亚尔领导的派别加入了叛乱。After the US invasion in 2001, a faction of Hizb-e-Islami led by Hekmatyar joined the insurgency.

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伊拉克的民族主义者起义已经失败,但是基地组织依旧几乎每个月都进行暴力屠杀。Iraq’s nationalist insurgency has faded, but al-Qaeda is still wreaking carnage every month or so.

因此只要知道了T1,就可以预测当地叛乱分子的下次袭击。The upshot is that knowing T1 should be enough to predict the future course of a local insurgency.

如果不纶旖饩?这种叛乱可能摧毁数百万人的前程,耽误一代人。If not tackled urgently, the insurgency could stunt the prospectsformillionsofpeoplefora generation.