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喜树幽斑螟生物学特性的研究。Studies on the Bionomics of Pyla sp.

研究了乌苏里鸣螽的生物学特性。The bionomics of Gampocleis ussuriensis Adelung in the laboratory and field were observed.

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同时对玉米螟越冬代成虫的主要生生活习性进行了系统观察。We also observed on the regularity of outbreak and bionomics of overwintering generation adults.

研究了菜蛾绒茧蜂不同程度过寄生对其自身生物学特性的影响。The effect of superparasitism on the bionomics of Cotesia plutellae was studied in the laboratory.

依据其各自生物学特性和生活习性的不同达到竞争的平衡和共存。They could achieve competitive equilibrium and coexistence according to their bionomics and life habits.

报告了泉蝇属的属征、生物学、经济意义和分类概况。This paper reports generic characters, bionomics , economical significance and classification of Pegomya.

本文报道红麻全秆贮存期主要害虫生活习性与综合防治方法。This paper reported bionomics and integrated control of the main insect pests on stored blush dogbane stalks.

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目的观察丁酸钠对结肠癌HT-29细胞形态和生物学特性的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of sodium butyrate on the appearance and bionomics of colon cancer line HT-29.

阿里高原沙漠化土地具有高寒干旱景观特色和脆弱的生态学属性。The desertification land of the Ali plateau has the high-cold and arid landscape and the fragile bionomics property.

研究人胎肝干细胞体外分离纯化方法,并对其进行初步鉴定及生物学特性分析。To explore the methods of isolation and purification of human fetal liver stem cells in vitro and analyze the bionomics.

人工湿地是根据生态学原理产生的一项新型污水处理技术,具有其独到的特点和优势。Constructed wetlands is a new technology according to the theory of bionomics. It has particular characteristics and superiority.

企业生态文化将生态文化与企业文化相结合,赋予企业文化新的内容。The enterprise bionomics culture combines the bionomics culture and enterprise culture and brings new content to enterprise culture.

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目的研究骨髓间充质干细胞的生物学特性以及作为组织工程骨种子细胞的特点。Objective To investigate the bionomics behavior of the mesenchymal stem cells and its characteristic as seeding cell in bone tissue engineering.

对珍稀濒危药材金铁锁进行野生资源实地调查研究,了解其生态学习性,为其人工引种驯化及规范化种植提供依据。Objective To analysis and study on the population bionomics of Aedes albopictus at different habitats in Shandong, and to find the common ground.

本研究发现两种高砂燕灰蝶之新寄主植物、提供幼期习性与形态资料,并讨论其分布。In the present study, two additional host plants are recorded, and an account on the bionomics , immature morphology and distribution is also given.

文章利用大量的文献资料,详细论述了生态学的发展简史、研究现状和发展趋势。The present situation, and developing tendency and strategy of bionomics research are analyzed in detail by utilizing greats quantity of literature datum.

本文描述了该虫不同生育阶段的形态特征,系统地研究了它的生物学及发生规律。This paper describes its morphologic characteristics at different development stages and deals with its major bionomics and fluctuation dynamics in fields.

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结论本研究成功表达了VP3蛋白,对于研究VP3蛋白的免疫原性和生物学特性奠定了的基础。Conclusion The recombinant vp3 gene was expressed successfully. These results lay the foundation for studying the immunogenicity and bionomics of VP3 protein.

本文研究了柿饼霉变的主要微生物及其生物学特性和柿饼防霉技术。In this paper, main microorganisms causing mouldness of dride persimmon and their bionomics and measurements of preventing persimmon mildew were investigated.

通过对板栗瘿蜂为害情况、生物学特性和天敌种类的调查,进行了防治试验。Though the investigation of the damage, bionomics and natural enemy species of the Drylcosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, the corresponding control trial was conducted.