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警察局尊重所有的宗教信仰。The Constabulary is respectful of all religious views.

我们皇家爱尔兰警察部队的朋友们很希望枪毙我。Our friends in the Royal Irish Constabulary would like to shut me up.

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协助警察破案来实现自己的人生价值。T assists constabulary crack a criminal case to realize his life value.

并建议记者拨打“110”,请警察协助解决此事。Suggest the reporter is dialed " 110 " , ask constabulary assistance to settle this matter.

另一名海军服务人员被汉普郡警方逮捕,现在拘押中。A third Royal Navy serviceman has been arrested by Hampshire Constabulary and is now in custody.

他的巨额存款引起了警察的怀疑,于是警察开始调查他的一切。His huge amount of deposit has aroused constabulary doubt, so the constable begins to investigate him.

本地的警察对最近在城市中经常发生小型机械装置的失踪感到十分头疼。The local constabulary has been stumped as of late with the frequent disappearance of small mechanical devices around the city.

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事实上,纽芬兰皇家警察局最近采用了该项技术,帮助推算出另一位被害人的年龄。Indeed, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary recently employed the technique to help home in on the age of another homicide victim.

这款白色巡逻车造价超过一千英镑,车身酷似汉普顿警用车,并配有翻车保护杆,以在发生交通事故时保护司机。The white car cost over £1,000, has full Hampshire Constabulary liveryand a roll barto protect the driver in the event of a crash.

这款白色巡逻车造价超过一千英镑,车身酷似汉普顿警用车,并配有翻车保护杆,以在发生交通事故时保护司机。The white car cost over £1, 000, has full Hampshire Constabulary livery and a roll bar to protect the driver in the event of a crash.

墨非先生说星期一中午,在一天中最忙碌的时刻从兰开普郡警察署来了两位穿制服的人。Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe’s busiest time of day.

警务绩效评估有利于强化警察机构的组织管理,提高警察的工作效能。It is helpful to reinforce the management of constabulary and improve the working efficiency of police by the police performance evaluation.

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来自皇家警务督察署的最可靠的估计比警察组织此前预期的两万八千人要高得多。The first reliable estimate by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary is far higher than previous forecasts of 28,000 made by police staff organisations.

昨天他们两个被拘留但没有遭受起诉,并且柴郡的警察向他们提出道歉,说上手铐“是个不必要的行为”。The two were detained but not charged and Cheshire Constabulary issued an apology yesterday, saying that the handcuffing "was less than a proportionate reaction".

建立交友网站需向警察厅申请,运营网站时发现诱骗未成年人的帖子要立即删除。Build the website that make friend to need to apply for to constabulary hall, the card that coax minor discovers when operation website wants to be deleted instantly.

今天8点钟,安全部队成功地掌控了达加尔,并且跟当前在那里的警方和边防警察建立了联系。"Security forces successfully secured Dagar by 0800 hours today and established linkages with the present police there and the Frontier Constabulary , " he announced.

换句话来说,这世界上最富有的国家的军队实力,其配置的装备很难超过一个边境警察佩戴过时的如1903年的斯普林菲德尔步枪。In other words, the military of the world’s richest nation amounted to hardly more than a border constabulary armed with obsolete equipment like 1903 Springfield rifles.

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因为一次失败的行动而接受停职处分的警察林桓,被曾经的手下李亮邀请,暗中协助调查。The constabulary Lin Huan that act and accepts punish of suspend sb from his duties what fail because of, by once at hand Li Liang invites, assist investigation in the dark.

世珍的行为被女高中生发现并告知母亲,其母报警,但世珍没将警察的警告当回事。The behavior of world precious is born to discover by female high school and tell a mother, its mother calls the police, dan Shizhen should not return constabulary warning the responsibility.

此时的任千行因涉嫌诈骗被驱逐出警察队伍,当发现有利可图时,他有意与何劲秋等人接近。Because right now Ren Qian travel is suspected of bilk be being driven out to give constabulary team, when discovery is profitable, he waits for a person to be close to with He Jinqiu of purpose.