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二是专制型。Two is absolutist type.

这真是一个绝对论者的声明。Thats a pretty absolutist claim.

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年轻的的专制主义者正在逐渐消亡。Slow Gradual Fading of the Young Absolutist.

各个政府,无论是专制主义者或是共和者,都将他驱逐出境。Governments, both absolutist and republican, deported him from their territories.

在预选中,为了吸引共和党的选民,他变成了一个反对移民的绝对论者。To attract Republican primary voters, he has become an anti-immigrant absolutist.

另一些”肯定“派称,无时无刻不在用这个词是一个时代性的标志。Another absolutist also says that the constant use of the word is a sign of the times.

例如,一个人可以关于自由是一个绝对主义者并且关于职业教育是一个相对主义者。One might, for example, be an Absolutist about liberal and a Relativist about vocational education.

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例如中国,一个坚持非常传统的,专制的观点不放,美国的权利或许得到重视。China, for example, clings to a very traditional, absolutist view that the U.S. right might appreciate.

所以我曾多次强调过,霍布斯在他的政治主张中,具有专制独裁的一面。Let me mention, I've emphasized in many ways the absolutist and authoritarian side of Hobbes' teaching.

我们看到这一点,尤其看到最近发生的辩论如何因两个极端对立的观点坠入迷雾。We see that, above all, in how the recent debate has been obscured by two opposite and absolutist ends.

大部分国家谴责这种专制立场,但很多国家的实际行为就是这样的。Most nations denounce this absolutist position, but, still, in practice, it describes many nations' behavior.

我们稳坐欧洲民主政治制度的头把交椅,那时候大多数欧洲国家都是专制的君主政体。We had the most democratic political system in Europe when most european countries were absolutist monarchies.

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“它突出表现出阿兰反对任何管束的立场是完全彻底的”,她在访问中说。"That underscored to me how absolutist Alan was in his opposition to any regulation, " she said in the interview.

在内战期间,他没有选择他的言辞低调利于专制君主一样许多其他保皇党。During the civil war, he chose not to tone down his rhetoric favoring absolutist monarchy as did many other royalists.

尽管有康德在,关于道德由宗教驱动的问题上,去同意我的假想护教师实在是一件诱人的事情。Kant notwithstanding, it is tempting to agree with my hypothetical apologist that absolutist morals are usually driven by religion.

氏族社会中长老的绝对权力,主要表现在对从邻近氏族掠夺来的妇女的占有上。The absolutist power of the father in clan society came mostly from the possession of women taken in forays against neighboring clans.

一个人也可以关于性状能将被培养是一个绝对主义者,但是支持被使用的方法是与象征的方法相联系。One can also be an Absolutist about the dispositions to be promoted, but hold that the methods to be used are relative in one of the ways indicated.

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我们有谈论历史编辑的必要,就是要将该过程呈现给大家,就是要挑战对过去,现在与未来的绝对性叙述。We need to talk about historiography, to surface this process, to challenge absolutist narratives of the past, and thus, those of the present and our future.

文章不赞成为了自由而完全牺牲平等,主张以兼顾两者的方式来看待和解决选举财政法中出现的争议问题。It then refuses the absolutist view of free speech, and suggests an approach to balance the two values in handling the controversial issues in campaign finance.

罗斯巴德的理论基于绝对自然法原则,但对于为何他认为无政府资本主义更适合基于实用主义,罗斯巴德也给出了具有经济意义的解释。Rothbard bases his philosophy on absolutist natural law grounds but also gives economic explanations of why he thinks anarcho-capitalism is preferable on pragmatic grounds.