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这个錾字碑上写了什么样的内容?What's written on this stele?

我发现了一块巨大的石碑。I've found a huge stone stele.

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这可是一块很古老的碑。It is after all a very old stele.

你看那块北宋的石碑。Look at this stele from the Northern Song Dynasty.

历史这么悠久,那这块石碑有名字吧?With such a long history, does this stele have a name?

这个铁箱子显然就是石碑上所提及的圣物箱…This is apparently the reliquary referenced by the stele.

那好,明天就带你去殷墟的碑林看看。OK, I'll take you to the stele forest at the Yin Ruins tomorrow.

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收藏古体的石碑、罗马皇帝的肖像和陶器。Collect archaic stele , portraits of Roman emperors, and pottery.

从茎到根,中柱内各组织的排列方式是有变化的。The arrangement of tissues in the stele changes from stem to root.

你瞧,大秦景教流行中国碑。Look at this stele describing the Daqin Jingjiao religion in China.

这块石碑上面记载的是唐代时教传进中国的一些情况。This stele records how Christianity was treated in China in the Tang Dynasty.

狮身人面像附近树立了一千年的石碑载有碑刻铭文。At the Great Sphinx site, the inscription on a stele erected a thousand years.

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茎状中柱的髓显得颇强健,像厚角组织。The pith of this stem like stele appears rather strongly like collenchyma tissue.

庙内各类碑刻2000余块,为我国罕见的大型碑林之一。More than 2,000 kinds of steles in China, is one of the rare large the stele forest.

一块石碑为一个曾经遗失在历史深处的王国找回了昔日的踪影。The stele provides clues to the kingdom that used to be lost in the depths of history.

今存寺庙3处,碑碣54块,摩崖刻石113处,古树名木千余株。This deposit temple 3, stele 54, Cliff Stele 113, old trees more than a thousand trees.

碑廊由西向东依山而建,错落有致,寓意为“步步高升”。The stele corridor is built along the mountain from west to east, symbolizing "ascending".

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中柱最前端可较早地分化出中柱的最外一层中柱鞘。The anterior portion of the stele differentiated rather early into an outer layer-pericycle.

此外他对碑刻书法艺术和法帖的流传等做出了巨大的贡献。He did huge contribution to make calligraphies engraved on stele and calligraphy's copybook go around.

针对国内尚未见报道的茄腐镰孢菌引起的草莓红中柱根腐病,对其病原菌的生物学特性进行了初步研究。There was no report about strawberry red stele root rot, which was caused of Fusarium solani in China.