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当然这一说法还需要更多的调查取证。More explanation is needed.

相较之下,微生物理论是更好的解释It's the better explanation.

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我敦促他作出解释。I urged him to an explanation.

说明如下。The explanation is as follows.

这条不用解释了吧。This one needs no explanation.

但是Kleitman博士有一种新的解释。Kleitman has a new explanation.

缫彪悍的人生不需要解释。Tough life needs no explanation.

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他给我一个迂?的解释。He gave me a devious explanation.

课文还需要被解释。The text still needs explanation.

请您解释一下,我愿闻其详。I am all ears to your explanation.

这纪录没有什么任何说明。The records offord no explanation.

她恳切地向他解释。She gave him a sincere explanation.

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你的解释有些牵强。Your explanation sounds farfetched.

这些记录找不出任何解释。These records afford no explanation.

知道人查不出日光之下所作的事。Who knows the explanation of things?

他离开了房间而未加解释。He left the room without explanation.

他的辩解多少有点过火。His explanation overreached somewhat.

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他们拒绝接受那样的解释。They refused to buy that explanation.

他的解释让我更胡涂了。His explanation mixed me up even more.

她未作解释就离开了房间。She left the room without explanation.