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总之,他是一个专业的政客。In short, he is a technocrat.

他没接见他们,而去见了政论家。He did not receive them. A technocrat met them instead.

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阿巴斯已经在专家政治论者领导下的新政府宣誓。Mr Abbas has sworn in a new government led by a technocrat.

他没有克格勃联系,符合现代技术官僚的轮廓。Free of all KGB connections, he fits the profile of the modern technocrat.

这些问题并不会由于一个技术官僚被任命为总理而得到解决。And they will not go away just because a technocrat has been made prime minister.

即使在二十世纪60年代,他的公众形象依然算十分良好,被看作是诚实并且能力卓越的执法技术专家。Even in the 1960s, he had a strong public image as an honest, competent law enforcement technocrat.

在我们的独立日特辑系列里,一位技术专家总结了印度的两面性,并笑言有趣的一面。In our special Independence Day series, a technocrat sums up India's dichotomy, and laughs at its funny side.

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也许泛希腊社会运动党要让位给对手新民主党,希腊将进入一个新的时代。Perhaps Pasok, his party, will enter a government of national unity with New Democracy, the opposition, headed by a technocrat.

一些人在中国政府部门表现优秀,像易纲,一位接受美国教育的专家,现在是中国中央银行副行长。Some are making their mark in government service, like Yi Gang, a U.S.-educated technocrat who is now a vice president of China's central bank.

一些人在中国政府部门表现优秀,像易纲,一位接受美国教育的专家,现在是中国中央银行副行长。Some are making their mark in government service, like Yi Gang, a U. S. -educated technocrat who is now a vice president of China's central bank.

贝卢斯科尼在一则录播电视讲话中说他会支持一个由技术专家主导的政府,自己在议会将加倍努力以实现意大利的现代化。Speaking in a recorded TV address, Mr Berlusconi said he would support a technocrat government and redouble his own efforts in parliament to modernise Italy.

在蒙蒂得到任命前两天,受到布鲁塞尔更大压力的希腊任命了专家政府以应对债务问题。Mr Monti's appointment comes two days after Greece, under even greater pressure from Brussels, inaugurated a technocrat government to cope with its debt problems.

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77岁的技术型官员朴南基在成为党的经济负责人时,据称还声言要结束“资本家的幻想”,但他成了货币改革失败的替罪羊,据称已被处决。Park Nam Ki, a 77-year-old technocrat who upon becoming the Party's economics chief allegedly vowed to end the 'capitalist fantasy,' was scapegoated and reportedly executed.

77岁的技术型官员朴南基在经济人时,据称还声言要结束“资本家的幻想”,但他成了货币改革失败的替罪羊,据称已被处决。Park Nam Ki, a 77-year-old technocrat who upon becoming the Party's economics chief allegedly vowed to end the 'capitalist fantasy, ' was scapegoated and reportedly executed.

加尼姆是国际公认的技术专家型官员,因主导开放利比亚经济和能源行业而受到广泛尊敬。To that end, any defection by Ghanem could be significant. The oil chief is an internationally respected technocrat credited with liberalising Libya's economy and energy sector.

纳波利塔诺说,他现在将举行磋商,讨论组成新政府。马克斯和纳波利塔诺被认为倾向于专家或民族团结政府。Napolitano said he would now hold consultations on the formation of a new government. Markets and Napolitano himself are thought to favor a technocrat or national unity government.

现代化进程给那些重视自身伊斯兰教的没有被西化的人提供了一种独特语言,以反对凭借获得西方技术而统治他们的技术统治论者。It provided an idiom for those non-Westernized people who take their Islam seriously, as against the technocrat Mamlukes who govern them in virtue of their access to Western technology.

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作为放弃布莱尔的回报,布朗首相可以将外交事务代表一职留给艾什顿女士,一位资深的工党政治顾问,自2008年十月起担任欧盟贸易委员。In return for dropping Mr Blair, Mr Brown secured the foreign-policy post for Lady Ashton, a career Labour party technocrat who has served as the EU's trade commissioner since October 2008.